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Rays pov

It has been a few days since I've been avoiding Norman. I'll still tell him good morning and goodnight but I haven't really spent much time with him. Christmas was only 4 days away so I knew I would have to get him a gift I just didn't know what.

Olivia was going to take me to the mall today so we can look for some stuff . I was getting ready to leave when I herd a knock on the door. When I opened it I saw Norman with a smile on his face.

"Um whats up"? Norman didn't say anything he just ran into my room and over to my bookshelves. "Are you looking for something"? I asked trying to get him to tell me what he was doing. After a minute he smiled even brighter. "Sorry for just barging in I just needed to check something ". I nodded and Norman ran out of my room. Well that was weird.

Normans pov

Yes he dosnt have it. I checked his bookshelves to see if he had the newest Manga for the book series he is always talking about. Now that I know he dosnt have it it will make my plan go even better. Dad was planning on taking me Christmas shoping so ill ask him if we can check out the book store.

Rays pov

After normans weird 'moment' I finished geting ready and went out to meet Olivia.  I told her I was ready and she nodded and we both went to the mall.

"What do you think Norman would like"? I asked Olivia and she smiled. "He will probably like anything as long as its from you". If only that were true. Now because of what happen I doubt if Norman even likes me anymore. 

I shook my head to erase the bad thoughts and thats when I saw it. There was a beautiful coat that looked almost like a cape. It was almost completely white with small blue accents. Norman would definitely be warm in that and it fits his color style. 

Olivia noticed I was starting at the coat and she led me inside.  She helped me pick out the right size for Norman then we paid for it and left.

I wonder if Norman will like it. At least I know he won't get sick if he wears it outside.

Normans pov

I went to the store with dad and we got the Manga for Ray. Thankfully we got there when we did because that was the last one in the store.

I smiled and looked down at the book. I hope he likes it.

There is only 3 more days until Christmas so I was working hard on making my plan fail proof now the only thing that could go wrong is if ray decides to not forgive me. I wouldn't blame him if he dosnt forgive me and hates me forever I just want Ray to release that I'm sorry and feel bad for what I did.

I went downstairs to talk to mom when I saw Ray at the fridge geting some water. "Hey ray" I greeted with a smile. He smiled back but it was obviously fake. He gave me a small wave then walked away. I really hope he forgives me. I can't stand him not talking to me.

Rays pov

2 more days until Christmas.  I texted Emma for awhile and she seemed to be doing ok even if she is suspended from coming back after break for 3 days.

I had gotten all of the presents I needed. I got Norman the coat I got Peter a portable writing desk and I got Olivia a new necklace.  I even got my mom a new book. I wanted to buy the new Manga that I've been wanting for awhile but It was gone from the store when I got there.

It was a shame but what should I expect since Christmas is coming up almost everything is sold out.

I wrapped all of the presents and put them in my closet but made sure they wouldn't wrinkle. I'm not the best with wrapping paper but I think this is the best I've ever done.

Today was Christmas eve. The day was quit for me since I mostly stayed in my room. Around night time Olivia came to my room.

"Hey Ray I was wondering if you wanted to join Norman and I in the kitchen.  I know its a little bit childish but we are making Christmas cookies ". I smiled and nodded putting my book away then followed her down stairs to the kitchen. I saw Norman there looking threw the cabinets trying to find all the ingredients.  Olivia handed me an apron and I put it on.

Norman set out the ingredients and I read off the instructions while Olivia checked the measurements of everything. It was really fun cooking with them. Mom and I only did Christmas cookies once but it was fun we just never got around to doing them again after that. Now doing it with Olivia and Norman reminded me of her and how kind she was.

I wonder what she is doing right now.

Normans pov.

This is it its Christmas morning. Mom walked into my room and woke me up softly and then left to wake up my dad and Ray. She always got excited on Christmas so she wakes up early then wakes everyone else up to.

Last night all of us put are presents under the tree so I just went down stairs. I didnt even bother change out if my pajamas and it looked like neither did Ray or dad. They were both looking tired and my mom looked energetic. Sometimes I wonder who is the real child in my family me or her.

We all sat on the floor in a circle me next to dad and Ray and mom was next to ray and dad. Last night mom opened one of her presents like always since she won the snowman competition and that present was from Ray it being a beautiful sapphire necklace. 

Dad passed out a present to each of us . Mom got her present from dad that was a tablet. I got a present from mom that was a new phone and dad got his present from Ray that was a portable writing desk. Ray got his present from me that was....

A pack of monster.

He turned to me and thanked me and I smiled. I can't wait to give him his real present.

The next round mom got her gift form me that was a new makeup palette that she had been debating geting for awhile. Dad got his present from mom that was a new suit and I got my present from dad that was a watch. Ray got his present from dad that was a new camera. 

The last round mom didn't get anything since she got her present yesterday. Dad got his present from me that was a new watch. Ray got his present from mom that was some picture frames for the pictures he can take on his knew camera.  I got my present from Ray. It was a better coat. I saw it at the mall awhile back but I decided not to get it. I imminently put it on and it was so warm and comfy.

We all thanked each other for the presents then we sat and watched a Christmas movie together. Ray had mentioned to me that every Christmas at his old home his mom and him would exange presents then watch movies all day so I was glad we could do one thing that was similar to what he used to do.

After the movie we all went to go to are rooms. As I was walking to my room I saw Ray walk to his so I called out to him. "Hey Ray I've got something to show you.

Rays pov

"Hey Ray I've got something to show you " Norman called to me. I followed him into his room and he went over to his closet and pulled out another present and handed it to me. "I know my other present kinda sucked so here is my real present to you.

I smiled at him "Norman the monster didn't suck its my favorite drink you didn't have to get me something else". Norman shook his head. " open it when you get to your room". I nodded and waved goodbye to him and went to my room.

Once I got inside I pulled the wrapping paper off and saw the cover of the newest addition to my Manga collection. I had a huge smile on my face as I opened the front cover but something fell out if the pages. A letter

I looked at it carefully.  Did Norman accidentally put one of the letters in the book.  I looked at the envelope then saw my name written on the envelope. Nope its really meant for me. I opened the letter.

Dear Ray

I'm sorry..........

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