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Normans pov

It was after school on Friday when I was in my room deciding what I was going to wear to rays place.

I know his mother and her boyfriend don't have alot of money so I don't want to wear anything formal but I don't want to look like I was raised in a dumpster.

I decided I'd were a blue t-shirt with a white thin jacket over top and some light blue jeans.

I talked to my parents for a bit then checked the clock and left. Ray had texted me his address during class so I new were to go. The building was in a darker place in town. There was a pawn shop and alot of old houses that looked to be abandoned.  Oh gosh I hope rays house is better then these. As I continued walking I heard a soft humming in the distance.  I got closer and saw Ray siting on a porch of a house humming to himself what sounds like a lullaby.

"Hey Ray" I call out to him. He looked up from his book and smiled at me. "Hey norman".

I ran up to him and pulled him into a short hug that he immediately melted into. We heard the door open and I saw a tall lady infront of us. She had the same color hair as Ray but that was the only thing they really had in common.

Ray pulled away from me. "Mom this is norman, Norman this is my mom" Ray introduced us. "Hello its nice to meet you norman" rays mom said to me and held out her hand for me to shake. She had a kind smile but just being around her made me feel kinda uneasy. I didn't want to seem rude so I shook her hand " its nice to meet you to".

She led us inside. The house was very old and kinda messy. It had small holes in the floor and walls and it smelled like someone was smoking before I came.

"Sorry its not very clean we've been working on fixing the place to be a little bit nicer" rays mom said. I smiled and said "its alright and understandable". Rays mom smiled at me then Ray led me to the living room .

I sat on one of the couches next to ray.  It was very disturbing seeing my friend and crush lives in a place like this. Like for all I know a serial killer lives next door thats the kinda vibe I get from this place.

The house looked like it was falling apart he lives in a bad location his step dad is a asshole and his mom gives me the creeps. I just wish I could take him home and watch over him to make sure he's safe.

Rays mom was in the kitchen I think grabbing the food. Ray looked at me then leaned his head on my shoulder. "Ray what if your mom walks in-" I started but Ray cut me off by putting his finger on his own lip then smiling at me. Seeing him smile seemed to mealt my worries away instantly.

Ray pulled away about 20 seconds before him mom actually came in . In the ten seconds he pulled out his phone and had a picture of a cute cat with black fur and a small bit of white on its chest.

"This is shadow he used to hang out around are old apartment back were we came from" Ray said like we had been talking the whole time. Rays mom smiled at us then handed both of us a plate with some stake on it.

"CONNY" Ray yelled staring down at his plate. "RAY" rays mom yelled back throughing a shoe at him which he dodged. Ray burst out laughing while his mom glared at him and I just sat there confused.

Once Ray calmed down he explained.  "Sorry back at my old home there was this little girl who lived next door who was like 6. One day her parents asked me to babysit her. That was right after I finished reading the book I was telling you about how the kids are raised to be food so I told conny that once kids turn 12 there parents eat them". Rays mom shook her head while Ray started laughing again.  "That poor girl had nightmares for weeks because of you".

I smiled watching Ray laughing. After we all finished are food rays mom went to go clean the dishes and Ray started telling me more fun stories about his old home. It sounds like he missed that place alot. One thing I noticed was that he never once mentioned Liam in any of his stories.

"So when did your mom and Liam meet" I asked him. Ray seemed to freeze up for a second.  "They met about 4 months ago" he told me. He had a small frown on his face. It seemed he liked it much more when it was just him and his mom and the cat.

I put my arm around rays waist and pulled him into a half hug. Ray put his head back on my shoulder and I started to stroke his hair. It was like him and I were in are own little world. Were nothing was sad or could even think of hurting us. All there was was us. And I loved it.

Ray eventually fell asleep on my shoulder. Isabella soon walked into the room and once she saw Ray asleep she smiled and sat down.

"He must really like you" she said to me. "I hope so" I answered and she just shook her head. " I've never seen him so comfortable with anyone except me". I was happy to hear that and I smiled down at him.

"I have to thank you" Isabella said. "Thank you for being such a kind friend to Ray ". "Oh it no problem miss" I said. "To be honest just having Ray here only for a week has made my life so much better, he has helped me so much so I should be thanking you for raising such a good person".

Isabella looked like she was about to cry. I hope I didn't say anything to offend her. "Thank you" she said covering her face with her hands. " thats the kindest thing anyone has ever said to me about ray". I smiled to her. "I hope I can trust you if anything were to happen to take care of my son for me". I smiled and nodded. "I'll do anything I can to help him".

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