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Normans pov

After the shower Ray checked his phone and saw his mother had texted him several times asking were he was and if he was ok. I smiled and went downstairs. Once I got to the living room I saw mom and dad sitting on the couches. Once they saw me mom shot to her feet. "How's Ray did you see his cuts do you think we need to take him to the hospital". I smiled. "Hes ok personally I think he might need some stitches but dad should probably check him first. Right now he's on the phone with his mother". Dad nodded and mom sighed in relief. 
"Norman can you tell Ray to tell his mother to come here as well I would like to talk to her before taking him to a hospital " dad said. I nodded.

When I got back into my room It looked like Ray was still on the phone. "Hey Ray can you tell your mom to come here my dad wants to talk to her" I whisper to him and he nodded. He told her and she agreed. He hung up and texted her the address.

We both walked downstairs and into the living room. We sat down next to each other then dad said " Ray would it be OK if I check your back I don't want you to feel uncomfortable I just want to see if you will need stitches. Ray sighed and nodded. Dad walked up to him and Ray turned around. Dad lifted rays shirt not completely off but enough to see his back. Mom gasped form the other couch and dad sighed.  He let go of the shirt and sat back down this time next to my mom.

Ray pulled the shirt back down and turned to face my parents. "Do you...think its bad"? My dad nodded. "When your mom gets here we will have to discuss about taking you to the hospital". Ray frowned at the floor but nodded.

A few minutes went by then we heard a light nock on the door. My mom stood up quickly and ran to the door. A few moments later I saw Isabella walk into the room with a worried expression. The moment Ray saw her he ran up to her and hugged her.

She smiled but still had a sad look in her eyes. "Ray i went home and saw the damage im so sorry you went throught that ". Ray shook his head still holding on to her." Hows Liam " he asked. Isabella sighed "hes doing ok he was bleeding really bad but he'll be fine my question is how are you". Ray sighed in relief. I knew he was worried about Liam not because he actually cared if Liam was OK but mostly because he didn't want to murder anyone.

"I'm ok" Ray answered and he let go of her. Dad held his hand out to tell her to take a seat on one of the couches and she said so.

"Hello my name is Peter and this is my wife Olivia and I'm sure you met my son Norman already". He introduced us. "Yes my name is Isabella. I am grateful to you for helping my son" . Mom smiled at her. "Its no problem". Dads face went serious. "I checked rays back and Norman and I both agree that some of the cuts on his back will not be able to heal properly on there own so we would like to set up an appointment to take him to the hospital for stitches as soon as possible ".

Isabella nodded but she looked like she was also in deep thought. " if you are going to take him to the hospital I won't be able to go with you" she said. Everyone looked at her sort of confused. She stood up and bowed to us. "I hate to ask this of you considering we just met but if you would please allow Ray to live here with you".

Ray jumped out of his seat. "Mom what are you doing". I grabbed rays hand. "Be careful Ray you might reopen your cuts". I said that but Ray seemed to ignore me. "What are you doing mom are you seriously trying to pawn me off to someone else so you can live with Liam ". Ray seemed angry. Really angry.

"Ray thats not what I'm doing" Isabella said then turned to look at my parents.  "You see I don't have a job so I'm basically living off of my boyfriends salary. Now knowing he is doing this to my son I can't let him anywhere near ray. And I can't leave him because I wouldn't have any money to buy a house and buy food for the both of us. So until I have a well paying job and can buy a house please watch over my son for me". Isabella bowed again. My mom looked at my dad and they both nodded but Ray didn't seem happy at all.

"So your seriously gonna leave me behind". Isabella turned to him and bowed to him. "I'm sorry Ray but this is whats best for you". "YEAH BUT WHAT ABOUT YOU WHAT IF HE GOES AFTER YOU NEXT" Ray yelled at her.

"Liam won't do that" Isabella started but Ray cut her off. "BUT WHAT IF HE DOES HES A SELFISH BASTRD". Isabella sighed. She grabbed rays arm and before he could do anything she pulled him into a hug. " I love you Ray but I really have to do this". Isabella looked at both of my parents. "Please promise you'll take care of him". Both of my parents nodded and Isabella turned to me. "Norman please take care of my baby ". I smiled at her and nodded.

She pulled away from Ray and he had tears streaming down his face. "Ray I love you and I promise ill come back for you and when I do ill give you the life you deserve ". Ray nodded but continued crying.  Isabella soon left and Ray collapsed onto his knees in tears. Mom and I both ran up to him and hugged him. Dad didn't know what to do so he joined the hug as well. Ray cried for about ten minutes but none of us left him. After awhile Ray calmed down and I took him to my room and mom and dad went to there room probably to set up the appointment for Ray. 

We were cuddling in my bed Ray on my chest. He looked so tired but I don't blame him its been quite a long day and it was around 3am now.

I started stroking his hair trying to cheer him up a bit. I knew he must have so many thoughts going through his head. He had alot happen to him today.  First the carnival then the beating now the fact that he would be living with us. I bet he feels like his mothers abandoned him. I knew he loved he very much after all she was the only thing he had for awhile but now feeling like he had been abandoned buy the person he loves most. I can't even imagine how that must feel.

I know there's not much I really can do so I just lay there peting his hair humming to him all the lullabies my mother would hum to me to get me to sleep.

Eventually I herd Ray quietly snore and I smiled to myself and looked at the ceiling.  Who would've thought all of this would happen in only knowing this boy for a week.

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