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"Ray sweetie wake up" a soft voice called out

Ray opened his eyes and saw his mother in the doorway. "You have to get ready for school now or you'll be late".

Ray nodded and Isabella left the room. Ray put on his school uniform and got ready. Once he left his room he saw his mother washing some dishes but no sight of Liam anywhere.

"Morning mom" Ray walked over to her and kissed her cheek. "Good morning son". She responded and dried her hands. "Liam is out already ". Ray nodded then grabbed an energy drink.

"Ray monster energy is not a proper breakfast" Isabella lectured. "Yeah i know but I don't have alot of time so i'll just stick with this today". Isabella sighed then smiled and nodded. Ray grabbed his school bag then left.

It was about a 10 minute walk from the house to the school. Once Ray got up to the school gate he heard an annoying voice call out to him. "RAY OVER HERE". Ray sighed and looked to the voice and saw Emma with to other people standing next to her. A girl with green hair and big glasses and a tall boy with dark skin and short hair. Emma grabbed both of the kids hands and ran up to Ray.

"Hey Ray how's your morning" Emma said trying to start a conversation. "Fine" Ray replied and started walking to his class. He had no intention of making friends.

Emma and the other to kids followed Ray around trying to ask him questions to which he'd vaguely answer. He did learn a few of the kids in the hallways names and the to other kids names. The girls name was Gilda and the boys was Don.

The bell finally rang and he headed off to his first class which was science. Him and Emma both shared almost the same schedule so she just continued following him pointing out a few kids and saying there names while Don and Gilda disappeared into the crowed of kids most likely to go to there own classes.

Once Emma and Ray got to there class Emma lead him to the table in the back and sat next to him. Some times a few kids would walk up to them introduce themselves and ask Ray what his name was then say something to Emma then leave. For the most part the class was quiet. Until a group of kids walked in. They were laughing loudly and took there seat. One of the kids stood out to Ray. He had bright blue eyes and platinum blond hair but what stood out the most to Ray the most wasn't his appearance it was the fact that the kid was staring at him. Ray nudged Emma a bit. "Who's that"? Emma looked at who Ray was looking at and saw the kid he was talking about. " oh him his name is Norman but you should stay away from him. He's a player". Ray nodded then reached down to his backpack and grabbed a book then started reading until class started.

"Oi Norman watcha lookin at" one of Norman's friends said putting his hand on Normans shoulder. Norman shook his head and started talking with the rest of his friends.

Normans pov

Class ended so me and the rest of my friends were all standing in the hallway when I saw the new kid walking with Emma. To be honest the new kid was kinda cute. I had already dated Emma before but that was back in middle school and only for like a few months. "Heyyy norman look at that kid" my friend Justin said pointing to the new kid. " ooh hes kinda cute don't you think" my other friend Ben said. "Yeah I might just try my luck with him" I said walking away from the group.

I walked up to the kid as Emma left to go to a different class. I followed him a little bit and saw we have the same next class. I saw him sit at the table in the back so I walked up to him. He was reading a book when I got to him. "Hi" I said. He looked up at me. " hi" he said then when back to reading. I sat down next to him and he looked at me for a second then went back to reading. I think he might just be shy but that won't be a problem I've had plenty of shy people.

"So my names norman" I said trying to start a conversation. "I've heard". The kid said. "So whats your name"? I ask. "Why dose it matter its not like I'm going to be your friend". Whats with this guy. Hes super cute but he's got a bad attitude. But that doesn't matter I'm determined to get him. "Well I told you my name so its only fair that I know yours". He sighed then slammed his book shut and stood up. "Look I'm to tired to deal with this just leave me alone". "O-oh I'm sorry I made you uncomfortable i'll be quit, you don't have to move seats". He sighed again and sat down. "Ray" he said. "Huh. "My name is Ray". The teacher walked in and started class while I smiled to myself. "Well nice to meet you Ray ". He nodded then class started.

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