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Normans pov

After the competition mom won. We all went inside and mom decided to make dinner so Ray and I went up to my room.

Ray was sitting on my bed and I was looking through my clothes for something warmer since my actual cloths got a bit wet.

I found a long sleeve shirt that would work. since I didn't get my pants wet all I had to do was change shirts. I started taking my shirt off and looked at Ray. He had his head buried in the book he was reading but I could see the tips of his ears were red.

I walked up to him and sat next to him. I decided to tease him a bit. I put my arm around his waist and he looked up but once he saw I was still shirtless he blushed and buried his face in the book again.

"What's wrong Ray " I asked with a smirk. "Can you please put a shirt on".  I chuckled and pulled him onto my lap so he was facing me.

"Aw do you think I don't look good" I fake pouted . "No no that's not what I'm saying i just uh". Ray was blushing so bright I couldn't help but laugh. 

"Oh my gosh you are to cute" I said hugging Ray tighter. He squirmed in my arms a bit and I just held him.

Rays pov

Norman held me close to him and all I could really do was blush. "Norman please let me go" I asked but he shook his head. " nooo your warm and cute".

I whined. I was am really kinda scared of him. I told myself I wouldn't fall for him but I did and now what do I do. He told me he has genuine feeling for a person and once he gets them he losses interest.  What if that happens to me. Would he kick me out of his house. Would he still want to be friends with me. I'm scared of him. Really scared.

I didn't realize but I had started crying while thinking. I felt the tears stream down my face. Norman pulled away only to see my tear stained face. "R-ray whats wrong. Did I squeeze you to hard. Are you mad at me. What happened".

While Norman was freaking out trying to find out why I was crying I remembered what Emma said. "Norman looks at you different then he ever did me. He really is trying to be better for you".

I smiled. Maybe she was right. Maybe its not all bad that I'm falling for him. Maybe we could make  it work.

Norman was still trying to get me to talk while I was zoned out thinking so when I snapped back into reality I saw he had tears forming in his eyes.

"Ray please tell me what I did wrong. I'm sorry please. I'll never do it again ". I smiled at him and shook my head. "Sorry you didn't do anything wrong I just got lost in a scary thought". After I said that Norman sighed in relief and I giggled.

"Hey norman". He looked at me and smiled. "Whats up ray". I smiled and kissed him. He blushed but kissed back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he held me so I stayed on his lap.

After I pulled away I saw his cheeks were bright red. "Your cute". He seemed to blush even harder at that statement and I giggled.

"Hey I'm not the cute one you are". I shook my head. "Nah right now you are totally the cute one".

Norman sighed and I giggled. "I guess I win this one". Norman chuckled and nodded. "Yeah ill let you win just this once".

We both sat in silence for awhile until Norman spoke up. "Ray I...uh need to tell you something ". "Yes what is it". Norman took a deep breath and sighed. "Well..um I...uh". I put my handbon his cheek. "Norman you know you can tell me anything". He nodded then smiled. "I know I just.... ill tell you on Christmas ".

"Whaaat why you got me curious " I whined at him and he chuckled and shook his head. "Sorry I just am not ready to tell you". I sighed to. "Well if your going to do that then I will tell you a secret on Christmas to". Norman nodded and smiled. "OK "

We both laid down on the bed and stared at each other while I got lost in thought. I have many secrets I keep from him. Like who Liam is, what my mom does, and my feelings for him. I want to tell him the truth about my mom and Liam but I'm scared he will think that I am horrible and will kick me out and hate me. And I'm scared to tell him about my feeling s. What if he loses interest after we get together.  Will I be able to handle the heartbreak. I have until Christmas to decide but I will tell him one of those.

"OK class have a good winter break and remember don't drink and drive and don't do drugs" are teacher finished talking. "I think that was the first smart thing she has told us all year" I whisper over to Norman and he chuckled.  "Thats mean but accurate ". We both laughed and walked to the lunch room.

Norman waved bye to me and went to sit with his friends and I sat with don Gilda and Emma.

"Hey Ray how was class" Gilda asked me as I sat down with my food. "It was fine. The teacher actually said something smart for once". Gilda smacked me on the back of the head and told me to be nice while don and Emma laughed like crazy.

" come on Gilda you don't have to be so mean to him he only speaks the truth". Don said still snickering.  "Well just because its true dosnt mean he gets to be disrespectful " Gilda argued back. "Jezz what are you my mom" I said smugly. I saw all three of then kinda stare at me for a second.  Oh yeah they know about my mom abandoning me.

"Ray are you ok"? Emma asked and I shrugged. " I'm fine I accepted what she did was whats best for me so I'm not mad about it". All three of them sighed in relief.  Wow they must care more then I do.

"Anyway what do you guys plan to do over winter break " Emma asked. Don quickly raised his hand. "I'm going to my cousins house for one of the two weeks to celebrate Christmas ". Glida spoke next. "My parents wanted to go on a vacation but I don't know were to yet". I spoke next. "I'm just ganna hang out with normans family". Emma was the last to speek.

"My parents and I don't hav-. Ray look behind you". I turned around and saw there was a girl talking to Norman. She was really close to him and touching him alot. "What is he doing"? Don asked as we all watched. What I saw next made my heart stop.

The girl leaned down... and kissed norman...and he kissed back....

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