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Rays pov

I've been living with Norman and his family for about a month now. School is going normally and the weather was cold.

I woke up and saw Norman sleeping next to me with his arms around my waist. I smiled and tried to get out of Norman's iron grip without waking him up but to no avail.

I saw two bright blue eyes slowly open and I saw a soft smile spread across normans face.

"Good morning beautiful " Norman flirted at me and I glared at him. "Oh shut up". Norman chuckled and I got off the bed. Since I stay in normans room most of the time I have some of my clothes in here. I went to the closet and grabbed a shirt. It was also a normal for me to steal normans clothes so I grabbed one of his white sweaters. All of his clothes were to big on me but I was ok with that.

Norman watched me go through his clothes but stayed on the bed. I finished grabbing all the clothes I would were and went to change in the bathroom.

Once I got back I saw Norman still on the bed rubbing his eyes. "Come on slow poke hurry up". I winned at him and hit his head with a pillow. He chuckled and grabbed the pillow and him me back. We did this for a few minutes until I realized that outside it was brighter then normal. I ran up to the window and smiled brightly. "IT SNOWED. NORMAN LOOK THERE IS SNOW". I yelled to him. Were I used to live we got snow but not often and when we did get it it wasn't alot and melted the next day. But now there was alot.

I felt arms wrap around my waist and a head on my shoulder. I smiled and started petting normans head. "Please hurry and get rady I wanna play in the snow". Norman chuckled and got off of me and left to change". I felt a little sad when he let me go but I got over it quickly.

After a few minutes Norman came back into the room dressed and was carrying two coats and some gloves for us. I smiled and took one of the coats in my hand.

It was weekend so we didn't have to worry about school.

Norman and I finished getting ready and we both went out to the back yard. I know Norman gets sick easily so I tried to make sure he was bundled up.

"So what would you like to do first ray"? Norman asked me and I shrugged. "I didn't think that far ahead sorry I just got excited about how much it snowed". I looked at my feet in embarrassment but I felt Norman lift my chin up to look at him.

"No need to feel embarrassed". I blushed and looked away again.  When I looked away I felt Norman kiss my cheek. "Hey you can't do that you gotta earn it remember ". I yelled at him and he chuckled.  "Well what about when don Gilda and Emma were here you didn't seem to mind then". I blushed even harder and glared at him.

"Well that was different ". "Then Why can't this one be". I was about to respond until I felt Norman kiss me. He put one hand on the back of my head and the other on my waist.

I hesitated at first but kissed back anyway. I don't know why but I like kissing him. Maybe I really am falling for him. No wait I can't I told him I wouldn't.  But maybe its to late.

I put both of my arms around his shoulders and held onto him as my knees felt week. Norman liked my bottom lip so I opened my mouth to invite his tongue in.

After a bit Norman pulled away for a few seconds to catch hid breath but I pulled him back onto my lips. I didn't want the kiss to end. We kissed for awhile until I felt something small and cold hit my face.

I pulled away and looked up to see little specks of white falling from the sky. I heard Norman chuckle behind me as I stuck my tongue out to try to catch some snowflakes. 

Norman and I played for about an hour outside. We made snow angles and had a snowball fight. I saw Norman shivering so I decided that it was time to go back inside. 

When we got back inside we took off are coats and hung them up then Norman went to the kitchen and came back with two mugs of hit chocolate.  He handed one to me and sat on the couch. I noticed he was still shivering so I sat next to him and put my arm around him to try to share some body heat.

Norman noticed what I was doing so he pulled me onto his lap and cuddled me. We sat there for about ten minute until we heard the front door open and two people call "Boys were home". Norman and I put are empty hot chocolate mugs on the table in the living room and went out to greet Olivia and Peter. 

When we saw them they were carrying grocerie bags. "Hi mom and dad how was work"? Norman asked. Olivia smiled and answered "it was ok but we left early to get some stuff".

"Why would you need to get stuff I thought you guys had people to do it for you"? I asked confused.  Olivia smiled at me. "Ray dont you know Christmas is coming up soon so we prefer getting the presents are selves". I nodded. I hadn't even realized how soon Christmas actually was.

Mom and I at are old home every year would get each other one present and mom would make chocolate pancakes for breakfast. After we ate we would open the present then spend the rest of the day watching movies together.  I wonder what she will do this year.

After talking to Peter and Olivia for awhile Norman and I went up to his room. We played a video game for awhile until Olivia came into the room. "Hey boys did you go outside yet"? She asked and Norman nodded.  "Yeah we made snow angles and had a snowball fight". Olivia nodded. "Well Norman since its still snowing do you want to have are competition". Norman smiled and nodded then grabbed my hand and led us to are coats to put them on. After we got outside we saw Peter and Olivia waiting for us.

Olivia saw my confused face and explain. "Once a year when it snows we all go outside and try to make a snowman that looks exactly like us and whoever makes it the best gets to open one of there presents on the night before Christmas". Peter and Norman nodded and I was still a bit confused.  "Wait you get each other more then one present every year"?

Peter nodded. "Yes all of us get each other about two presents each". I nodded and Olivia smiled " I just remembered Ray you never told us what you want for Christmas ". I blushed a little but. " you don't have to get me anything you all letting me stay with you is more then enough ". Peter shook his head. "Nonsense Ray you living here makes it like you are a part of are family now so we can't just leave you out on these kinds of things". Olivia and Norman nodded.

Norman came up to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Well Ray you gotta tell us what you want for Christmas ". I blushed and mumbled.  "I really like books and cameras ". Olivia and Peter smiled.

"We will give you more time to think of more things you want but for now let's make some snowmans". Norman nodded and punched the sky. "I'm ganna so win this year". I smiled. This is going to be fun but I still wonder what will mom do for Christmas this year.

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