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Normans pov

Ray and I played video games for a few hours and Ray still couldn't beat me so I started to feel a bit bad for him. He looked so determined and cute trying his hardest to beat my character it couldn't hurt to go just a tiny bit easier on him. When I did go easy on him he finally won and he had the biggest smile on his face. He honestly looked so adorable.  He threw his hands up in the air and cheered. He was so happy. "I DID IT NORMAN,  DID YOU SEE, I FINALLY BEAT YOU". He shouted and did a little victory dance. He was so cute I just wanted to cuddle him so badly. "Yeah good job" I said laughing a little bit at his hyper behavior.  When I talked to him back at school I could I knew he was cute but I never thought he could be this cute.

He sat back down on the bed and challenge me to another round claiming how he was going to beat me again. Maybe if I get to see that cute little victory dance again I might let him win.

Rays pov

I DID IT I WON AGINST NORMAN FINALY. I was so happy and I was ready to beat him again until I looked over to the clock and realized what time it was. It was 2am and we still had school tomorrow.  Norman looked at the clock to and saw the time. "Yeah I think thats enough playing for today maybe next time you come over you can show me that victory dance again" Norman said with a smug look on his face while I blushed.

Oh gosh I really must've looked like a freaking child when I won. I was just so excited I guess I didn't notice.

Norman laughed at my red face before getting up. "We should get ready for bed we do have school tomorrow". I nodded and Norman left to go change in the bathroom.

I grabbed my bag looking for something to wear to sleep in then I realized I only grabbed my school uniform no actual cloths to were to sleep in. Well guess I'm sleeping in what I'm wearing now.

Norman walked back into the room with some pajamas on but when he noticed I didn't change he went over to his closet.  "Um whats wrong" I asked as Norman pulled out some of his pajamas and threw them at me. "I'm guessing you forgot you clothes" he said matter of factly. I blushed and nodded. "I only brought my school uniform " I said. " thats ok you can just use those for tonight " Norman said. "Is that really ok"? Norman nodded and i thanked him and went to change in the bathroom.

His clothes were a bit big on me and made me look smaller but they were really confertable.

Once I got back to normans room I saw he had cleaned off the bed . He looked up at me and smiled. "Wow you look really cute, you should were my cloths more often" he winked at me and I rolled my eyes. "you have a girlfriend remember " I said. Norman walked up to me and put his hands on my waist and I glared up at him. "I would gladly dump her for you any day cutie" Norman flirted
he tried to pull me closer but I pushed him away. "Keep it to yourself" I said and Norman laughed.  " dont worry I'm just messing with you" he said with a smile and I rolled my eyes.

"Anyway were do you want me to sleep" I asked him and he pointed to the bed. "The bed is big enough for you and I both so it should work". I blushed a little bit but agreed.

I laid down in the bed and Norman did the same and he was right the bed was big enough for the both of us and we had plenty of room so we weren't touching. "Thanks" I said out of no were. Norman looked a little bit confused so I continued. " thanks for letting me stay over even though I was pretty rude to you all day". Norman smiled and nodded. "Its no problem". I smiles as well and Norman turned off the light and the both of us fell asleep. 

Normans pov

I woke up band the first thing I saw was a bunch of black hair. I moved the hair a bit to see the adorable face of Ray. I remembered all that happened yesterday and smiled to myself. 

Ray looked like he was still asleep so I got up as quietly as I could and went to the bathroom to get ready for school. I brushed my teeth and washed my face then went back to my room. I saw Ray was still asleep so I walked over to him.

No human being has the right to be as cute as this boy is. His hair had fallen out of his face so I could see his entire face and I was impressed.  His skin was flawless and pail. He was really beautiful. I couldn't help myself so I reached down and kissed his forehead.  He didn't wake up yet so I grabbed my school uniform and put it on in the bathroom then came back in to see him rubbing his eyes.

"Well good morning sleeping beauty" I said and walked over to him. He fliped me off and I laughed.  Even when sleepy he was still the same.

"Anyway school starts in an hour so you should get ready ill bring some breakfast up for us" I said and Ray just nodded and crawled out of bed.

I left and grabbed some French toast I'm guessing my mom made before her and my dad left foe work and I heated it up in the microwave and brought it up to my room. When I got in the room I saw Ray texting someone on his phone.

"Ray talking to someone, wow who's so lucky to be bestowed with that honor" I said sarcastically. Ray rolled his eyes with a smile. "Its this nice lady I met a few years back I think her name was....um....oh yeah her names my mom" Ray replied just as sarcastically. We both laughed then Ray continued typing.

After Ray finished texting his mom we both ate and finished getting ready for school. We both finished and left to walk to school together.  As we were walking i started to remember what Ray looked like in my clothes.  Maybe I should invite him to stay the night again.

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