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Normans pov

I was in my room getting ready for bed until I heard my mom scream my dad's name. I ran down the stairs to see my dad running outside. I followed him and infront of me was a horrific scene.

My crush, the boy I love, was covered in blood and scratches and dirt and was passed out In my mothers arms. 

"What happend" dad said picking up Ray and bringing him inside. "I don't know I just saw him standing in the street covered in blood and panting". My mother answered. 

Dad put Ray on the couch and ran off to the bathroom to grab the med kit. Mom went to the kitchen to get some water and some ice. I sat next to ray and watched him....not in a creepy way.

A few minutes pass and I see my dad come in with the med kit and start cleaning the cuts on rays face. When dad removed the bandage Ray had been wearing all day I saw a giant bruise. Was he being abused at home or did he run into trouble on his way home. If so why did he come here.

"Norman can you go through rays bag and try to find his phone". My mom said when she came into the room with a glass of water and an ice pack. I nodded and grabbed his bag.

Inside was some clothes a book his phone charger and his phone. The only problem was his phone was dead and had scratches on its screen.

"I've gotta charge it". Mom nodded and I went to my room with his bag. I felt bad going through his stuff but It was necessary.  I plugged in his phone and started to walk back to Ray. I wonder if his mom knows what happend. Even if she gives me the creeps she still seems like a kind person so surly she wouldn't do this to him right?

Once I got down stairs I saw Ray awake but he was crying. I ran over to him and my dad was trying to talk to him but it looked like he was having a panic attack.

"Ray please try to calm down" my dad said and went to pat rays back but Ray pulled away quickly. Even when in a state of panic he still had really fast reflexes. 

"Do you think we should call an ambulance and take him to a hospital "? My mom asked. Dad shook his head and looked like he was contemplating what to do. I was there only child and I had never had a panic attack or anything like this happen to me so this was new for them.

I sat down infront of Ray and tried to get him to look me in the eyes. "Hey Ray can you here me". He looked up at me a little bit probably to say without words that he could infact hear me.

"Hey Ray do you remember the book you were telling me about I forgot the name of it". Ray tried taking deep breaths. "T-the pr-omised
N-everl-and". His voice was broken and sad but I tried to continue to get him to talk to me. I had dealt with a past girlfriend who had panic attacks often.

"OK so do you remember the name Emma gave the giraffe you won her"? Ray was breathing a bit easier now. "Mr s-spots".

"Mhm good job ray". "Can you tell me how many cotten candys don bought with my money". Ray smiled a little bit. "Four".

I pat his head."good job ray". I continued asking him easy questions until he was calmed down.

"OK last question what did your mom make for dinner when I came over yesterday". Ray smiled "conny". We both laughed and my parents looked a bit disturbed but relieved Ray had calmed down.

"OK ray can you tell me what happend . Why were you so beat up". Ray tensed up but I put my hand on his shoulder. "When I came home...mom was out shoping and liam...was drinking.  He gets really violent when drunk so I tried to run away...but he grabbed me... and he started hitting me....so...i....so I stabed him with a pice of my broken door...."

Liam was violent with Ray. That would explain the descriptions of punishments and his fast reflexes. 

Ray covered his face with his hands and I could hear him start crying again.  "I left in such a hurry I couldn't check if Liam was OK I was so scared ". Mom got up and hugged Ray. "Its ok dear I'm sure he's fine".

My dad looked over at me " did you start charging his phone". I nodded. " it'll take a few minutes before it can be powered on again but it'll be good to go soon". My dad nodded then turned to Ray. "Are you hurt anywhere we can't see"? Ray nodded. "My intire back is covered in scratches and cuts but I didn't have much time to check myself". Dad nodded. "I think you should take a shower here and by then your phone should be good to go if you need we can take you to the hospital".

Ray nodded and I took his hand. I lead him to the bathroom. I had taken the med kit with me. "Ray if your ok with it can you take off your shirt so I can check your back"? Ray nodded and turned around and took off his shirt.

He was right his entire back was covered in blood and I could see some deep cuts and it looked like he had some spliters in the cuts.

"You can take a shower but when your done don't put your shirt back on ill get you some of my clothes.

Ray nodded and I left. I grabbed some boxers and a pair of pants and a loose shirt. I came back into the bathroom with the cloths when I heard the water running. When I got inside I heard Ray whimpering. Since there was a current in the way I couldn't see him.

"Are you ok"? I asked him. "Um yeah..its just...the water hurts...". It took me a second to realize but I figured he meant the water hitting him from the shower must be hurting his back. 

"If you want..maybe I could...help you". I offered. It was quiet for a minute so I assumed he felt uncomfortable with what I said. "I-im sorry ill just put your clothes down an-". "WAIT...Norman please...help me". Ray sounded so pitiful and sad it made me want to cry for him.

I grabbed a towel and took off my clothes.  I claimed in the shower behind Ray. It was kinda awkward but at the same time comfortable. We both sat on the shower floor and I cleaned rays back with the towel. 

"Hey norman". "Hmm". "Thanks for always helping me". I smiled and turned off the shower and we both got out. We didn't look at each other we just got dressed. Ray kept the shirt off and I cleaned his wounds on his back. He did have some cuts on his legs but they weren't that bad so we mostly just focused on his back and face. It honestly looked like he might need stitches on his back so ill tell my parents.

"Ray if you ever need anything ill always be here for you" I told him. He smiled and put the shirt on and we both left the bathroom.

(An you can skip if you want.
I actually named Liam off of my school bully who told me to kill myself when I was having a panic attack.  If anyone ever says anything like that to you just know that their pathetic and shouldn't matter in your life. Thanks for your time.)

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