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You reach out and let Grogu hold onto your finger with one hand.

"Alright. Tython. That's where we're gonna try and find you a jedi." Din says "But you have to agree to go with them is they want you to. Understand? Plus i can't train you. You're too powerful. Don't you wanna learn more of that jedi stuff? I agreed to take you back to your own kind, so that's what i need to do. You understand right?"


As you get closer you notice how small the top of the hill is.

"I don't think we can fit there." you point out "Looks like we'll be flying there ourselves."


You and Din fly up with your jet packs to the hill. Din, with the child in his arms. When you land you look around at the large rocks surrounding the one in the center.

"Does this look jedi to you?"

You hear Din ask the child as he walks over.

Din he places the child on the middle rock and steps back.

"Well this sure is...underwhelming." you turn to Din

"I know."

"So what now?" you turn to him noticing the child

"Okay. Here we go."

Din stares at the child and you walk over next to him.

"Nothing's happening." you tilt your head

"I know." he grunts "This is the seeing stone. Are you seeing anything?" The child just coos "Or are they supposed to see you? Maybe there's some kind of control or something."

"Oh don't be ridiculous, if this is some ancient jedi thing there's gonna be something with the force."

"So you're a jedi expert now?"

"No...just assuming." you walk to the edge of the hill and look down at the land.

Lots of rocks..

"Oh come on kid. Ahsoka told us all we had to do was get you here and you'd do the rest."

You hear a loud noise in the sky. You look up and see a ship flying in and landing. That ship..why is it familiar?

"Din." you point at it and he looks up.

He then runs to the edge of the hill and looks down at it where it lands.

"Come on kid we don't have time for this." he says walking back over. He reaches for him "We gotta get out-" he gets pushed back and knocked onto the ground by some sort of force field surrounding the child.

You sigh "You get him, I'll go check it out." you run down the hill and look out at the ship

Din soon met you as you began getting further down. Suddenly there are some shots fired at you. Quickly you drawl your blaster and hold it at your side. You both run and hide behind a rock. You peek out from behind and see a man walking towards you.

"I have been tracking you, mandalorians." A man call out

Din slowly steps out from behind the rock with his blaster pointed at the man. You stand up next to him, inching out from behind the rock.

"Are you jedi? Or are you after the child?" Din asks

"I'm here for the armor."

You scoff "Over my dead body." you say quietly

"If you want my armor, you'll have to peel it off my dead body."

Wow okay.. stealing my lines I see

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