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On your way out you grab a bowl of soup to go. When you all get back to the ship you head inside with the child while Mando fixed up the outside.

You sit on a small box with the child next to you, drinking your soup. You hear a few voices, ones you know are not mando's. You turn to the child.

"What's that?"

He looks up and you and coos. You smile lightly and take one last sip of your soup before grabbing your helmet to head outside. You slide it on, and arm yourself with blasters to be safe.

When you walk down the ramp you see Mando talking to two strangers. "Where do you live?" you hear mando ask.

"What's going on?" you ask as you walk down, startling the men.

"Another mandalorian? Awesome." one says

"These men are asking for our help." Mando says still working on the ship

"What's the problem?" you walk up to them

"Um..well we-" one starts

"There's raiders. Wherever they live." Mando says

"We just need a little help. We'll give you everything."

You look over your shoulder at Mando and he shrugs. You turn back to the men. "Where do you live?"

"At a farm."

"In the middle of nowhere?" you ask

"Yes?" he nods slowly

You nod and walk towards Mando. You crouch down next to him. "Come on its perfect." you whisper "Maybe they could let us stay a little while."

"You have lodging?" Mando speaks up

"Yes. Absolutely." They nod

"Good. Come and help."

You help the men carry your things to the sled.

"One more thing, give me those credits."


you wait with the child for Mando to come back from whoever he went off to. Once again leaving you. This better not be a regular thing.

He finally come back and with him comes Cara.

"Welcome back." you say standing up

Cara laughs "Right."

You all get on the sled and you hold the child in your lap. As you head off to the farm you get tired and begin to nod off. You slip your helmet off and lay it beside you as you fall asleep.

Once Cara notices you had fallen asleep she turns to Mando. "So what's your whole..relationship?" she points between you and Mando. "Is he your kid?" she points to the child.

"No." Mando shakes his head "We're human."

"Ok..so what's going on between you two?"

"Nothing." he turns away

"Sure." Cara scoffs

"We're just partners..that's all."

"Mhm.." she smirks and lays back, falling asleep herself


You suddenly wake up to the sound of noisy children. You sit up and watch as they run up to the cart and surround the child.

"Well looks like they're happy to see us." Mando says sitting up

"Looks like." Cara nods and smiles at you

You get off grabbing your things. You grab your helmet and put it on. A few of the farmers help takes your belongings off and move them to some huts. A woman introduces herself as Omera. She leads Cara to her hut, then Mando, you and the child to one.

"There are some blankets stacked over there." Omera says gesturing to a small chair

"Thank you that's very kind." Mando says unpacking his things

You place the child into the crib and begin unpacking your own belongings. A child appears in the doorway behind Omera, startling mando. He moves his hand to hover over his blaster. Omera quickly turns walking to the girl.

"This is my daughter, Winta. We don't get a lot of visitors around here."

Mando relaxes

"She's not used to strangers." she explains to Winta how you'll be helping them and she's smiles.

"Thank you"

You and Mando nod. Omera takes Winta out and you take a seat on the bed.

"So, what's up with this?" you ask

"What?" Mando turns

"Wanting us to share a room. Don't think i'm dumb. I know they have more rooms, and you requested.."

"It's more protection for the child."

"Sure" you tilt your head and stand from the bed.

You walk over and stand right in front of him, almost touching his chest. You remove your helmet and stare at him, trying to get a view inside his visor.

Mando's heartbeat quickens and he tried to stay still, keeping himself calm. Until you just smile and walk back over to your bag. He lets out a deep breath and turns back to his things.


After a while of talking to the farmers and eating - well not Mando- you head back to your hut. You lift the child from his crib, waking him up from his nap. You slide your helmet off and smile at him.

Mando walks in shortly after you. Taking a seat on his bed, he leans back.

"Is this what you were hoping for?" he asks

"What running off with a child and some random man i met just days ago?" you turn to him "Kidding. It's nice."

"Good." he nods

You both lock eyes with each other staring for a moment until hearing Omera.

"Knock knock"

You look away and adjust the child in your arms, turning around.

"Come in" Mando says slowly looking away from you

She had brought in a single tray of food for Mando, and set it down. Winta followed behind her with some food in her hand. She looks up at the child in your arms.

"Can I play with him?" she asks you

"I don't think-" Mando starts

"They'll be fine" Omera says

"I don't.."

"They're fine." you turn to him with a smile. You set the child onto the ground and Winta grabs his hand.

"I noticed you didn't eat out there." Omera says to Mando "I brought you some food."

"That's very thoughtful of you." Mando says turning away from her towards his bag.

"Can I ask you something?" she asks

"Go ahead" Mando responds dryly.

"How long has it been since you've taken that off?"

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