Dream Walk-part two

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Thank you to @LawsAngel for the chapter name XD


I was so happy with that I accomplished. When I read about fire control I never actually thought that I would be able to do it. But I did, do it I mean. The smile that it bought to my lips never once faltered, even Damen had a huge smile on his face. I jumped on his lap and kissed him as hard as I could. "Thank you, think you, thank you" I said then kissed him again and again. He must have thought that I was completely mad, but he didn't stop me, instead he kissed me back.

I spent the next hour or so playing with my new power. You have to admit, its one funky ass power to have. I loved how the flames were purple. Usually there reddish orange, blue or yellow. But mine were purple. Damen said it might have something to do with the vampire part of me, because our colour was purple. Damen said his flames were normal ones, but his eyes were purple so that must be his vampire part showing itself. He didn't show me his flames because he said he couldn't control them. Not how I can control mine. I did think it was funny that hes older than me but doesn't have control over his fire like I do, and I'm brand new to it all haha.

Helga helped me get into my dress, I wanted to make sure I was all laced up properly. Of course Damen wasnt happy about that, but he was more upset because I said that he wasn't allowed to see me until I was finished getting ready. So off he went in a huff to get himself ready. Helga did my laces tighter on my corset than Damen did, so it was near impossible to breath. But apparently that was the style. I must admit that I had a fantastically tiny waist when she was done. It was worth not being able to breath, bend over or sit down. I looked fantastic.

"How do you want your hair Miss. Liza?" Helga asked me once I finally managed to sit down. This corset is going to do wanderers for my posture. "Up, you know with the loopy thingies" I said, hoping that she knew what I was on about. She did look a little confused but nodded yes and got to work. She pulled my hair up so tight it hurt a little, but I would live with it to look good. I didn't realise she was done until she sprayed enough hair spray onto my hair to make it as hard as stone.

"Wow" I said admiring my hair in the mirror on my dresser. She did exactly what I wanted, thank the lord this woman was a miracle worker. "Where's my mask?" I asked. Smiling Helga answered, "I'm drawing it on" I looked at her confused, I thought you were meant to wear masks that only covered your eye. Not draw them on. Helga must have guessed at my thoughts because she said, "Its tradition in out realm, Its so you cant take it off and show people your real face" I suppose that made sense. The whole point of masquerade balls was so you could stay anonymous. So no one knew who anyone else was. Wasn't it?

"Okay" I said with a nervous smile. I sat as still as possible as Helga drew on my mast. She did it using make up, which I was happy about. I was scared she was going to use paint or pens, that would have been bad for my skin. It tickled me every time the makeup brushes made contact with my face, I didn't laugh thou. I didn't want to risk knocking her and making her mess up, because then she would have to start all over again. And that would suck, so I just closed my eyes until she finished.

"I'm done now Miss. Liza, take a look" She said with a smile. I slowly opened my eyes and stared at myself in shock. Because part of my face was covered in makeup I didn't look like me. Not at all. I suppose that's the whole point thou, but it still shocked me. I did look good thou. Now I've never really been a vain girl, in fact Ive never really dolled myself up like this before. So I didn't know I could be this beautiful.

"Oh thank you Helga, you are a star" I said and jumped out of my seat to hug her. It hurt like hell because of my corset but it was worth it. "Your welcome Miss. Liza, would you like me to go let Damen know your ready?" She asked, smiling widely. "Oh yes please" I said back. I couldn't help but think that something was missing, my makeup was done so it wasn't that. My hair was done so not that either, and I was fully dressed. "Oh crap" I thought, realising that I didn't have any shoes to wear.

I ran to my wardrobe and started to dig through it. There were dozens of pairs of shoes at the bottom. There were flats, heels, platforms. Strappy shoes, boots and trainers. Eventually I came across a pair of silver strappy shoes with black gems on them. They were the perfect match for my dress so I quickly put them on just as Damen walked into my room. "You look, sexy" Damen said. I looked up to smile at him. "Thank you" I said, I couldn't help but notice his lust filled eyes. "You don't look to bad yourself" I said whilst walking towards him and planting a kiss on his soft warm inviting lips.

"You ready?" I asked when the kiss ended. "Yeah" Damen said back with a smile and offered me his arm, gladly I took it. As soon as we were in the hall way we heard music playing from somewhere downstairs. "Where are we going?" I asked when I noticed we were walking the opposite direction of the stairs. "Your mother and Anthony want us to meet them in Anthony's room" he explained. "How come?" I asked. "Anthony wants us all to walk down together, as a family" He said.

We came to a stop outside Anthony's bedroom door and Damen knocked on. After a few seconds Anthony answered the door. "Welcome, oh Liza you look beautiful" Anthony greeted us. His compliment bought a blush to my cheeks. "Thank you" I said back, with a smile. He walked back into his room and we followed. I saw my mom sitting on a chair at his dresser, putting in a pair of diamond earrings. "Hello mom, you look stunning" I said, and she really did. She was wearing a bubblegum pink off the shoulder dress. It was sculpted to her body perfectly, as per usual. Her shoes were white and her clutch bag, which was also white was on the dresser. Her mask was painted on in bright pink and black, with the odd mix of silver and white in it.

"Thank you dear, you look gorgeous too" she said with a smile while standing up. "Liza, I want to give you something" Anthony said, bringing my attention back to him. He was holding a large jewelery box in his hands, the box was beautiful its self and looked expensive so I could only imagine what ever was inside was expensive too. I took the box from him and opened it, inside was a black diamond choker necklace. It was the most beautiful necklace I had ever seen. "The diamonds that it is made up of are very rare, that's the only necklace of its kind" Anthony said, taking it out of its box and walking behind me to put it on me.

"I want you to keep it" He said when he fastened it and walked back around to face me. "I cant do that, its far too expensive for you to give me" I said. It was beautiful don't get me wrong, but its too much. "I want you too, Its been passed on through our family for centuries" He said, with a smile. I knew I couldn't refuse him now so I nodded my head and smiled. "Thank you" I said then hugged him. He must have noticed how hard it was for me to hug him because he pulled away and laughed a little.

"Right, are we all ready?" My mom asked. "Yeah" I said in unison with Damen and Anthony. We walked out of Damens room and made our way to the stairs. When we got to the top Anthony nodded at a man standing in between the two sets of stairs and she introduced us.

"His royal hinus, The king, and Grad Lady Betty" The man said as Anthony started to walk down the stairs with my mom. They looked so elegant and beautiful. When they reached the bottom Damen linked onto my arm. "You ready?" He whisper asked in my ear. "As ready as I will ever be" I said back and smiled as we headed to the stairs. "Her royal heinous, The grand princess and Lord Damen" The man introduced us. As we were walking down the stairs nearly every pair of eyes were on me. And a few of the womens eyes were on Damen.

The ball started in the enterence and lead on through to the ball room. It all looked so beautiful.


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