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go down now”, a tall guy outside the husbands' car ordered with a straight and blank face.

jungwon looked at the older first before he finally opened the door beside him and left the car; his husband did the same.

usually, jay would feel happy everytime he went to his parents' home to visit them. but this time, infront of the mansion where he grew up, he can feel nothing but fear.

he used to be a calmed-type of guy, but knowing that there's a demon that they'll face, he honestly became bothered.

why? because the moment they stepped out of the car, they immediately saw the dead bodies of their parents' body guards.

jungwon went beside him and held his hand, as the younger was slowly getting consumed by his fears after seeing the numerous innocent people that were killed.

“hey, we're gonna be fine”, jay weakly smiled before caressing jungwon's hand on his own.

soon enough, they finally entered the mansion—along with mr. nam's minions who would laugh everytime jay comforted his husband.

both of you are going to die, stop clowning yourselves”, one of them muttered.

jungwon looked around the place. he admired how the mansion looked shining because of its designs and of course, the huge picture frames of the family on the wall made the home a lot more dazzling.

he would definitely love to stay there and enjoy the home itself, if not only because of the demon who just got the mansion colonized.

“you guys have finally arrived!”, speaking of the demon, mr. nam shouted while proudly walking down the stairs to greet the two who were both on the ground floor of the mansion.

“and you finally showed up, you piece of sht”, jay retorted once the man was finally infront of them. “my father's security guards had nothing to do with this, but you took their lives.”

“the guards?”, mr. nam asked. “ah! you mean those rats who couldn't even fight for themselves, and you still labeled them as security guards?”, he then went close to jay's face. “useless, just like their boss—also known as your dear father, jongseong”, then, he smiled teasingly.

because their distance were pretty close to each other, jay was able to punch the man on his face with no hesitation.

jungwon was shocked and he immediately held his husband. “hyung!”, he called the older out in order for him to somehow stop the other.

mr. nam held his face after stepping backwards a bit. his cheek was red and his lips got busted—there was even a blood displayed on it because of jay's punch. the two thought that the man would just wipe the red liquid off but instead, he licked it and then he just swallowed it.

gross. jungwon thought as he looked at the man infront of them.

“that punch was pretty great, huh? you got me slurping some appetizing liquid here”, mr. nam said before he laughed like a demon himself. after that, his face suddenly became serious before he ordered something to his minions. “return the punch to him, then bring the last piece of rat here.”

jungwon became alarmed after hearing that. he immediately went to hold his husband tighter, but one of the minions pulled him away from the older. “hyung! no!”, he tried to free himself up from the man who's holding him, but he's definitely weaker.

when jay and jungwon got separated, three men went closer to the older. one of them held his hands from the back, refraining him from doing any actions. while the two started to give him some crunchy punches. they simultaneously hit his face until blood came out from his mouth.

jungwon couldn't do anything, but to cry and to shout as he watched how jay received the hard punches. he repeatedly called the name of the older who repeatedly got hit.

“that's enough, time for the rat-killing”, mr. nam stated, making his minions stop.

jungwon wanted to go and hold jay, but the minion won't let go of him, that's why he could only look at the older as he tell him that he was just fine—even though jay could barely see, as his sight became poor because of the punches.

soon, another bunch of mr. nam's minions went inside the mansion, holding a guy—mr. park's security guard, specifically.

rat-killing?! they are going to kill this guy?!, jungwon thought as he finally realized what the demon meant a while ago.

“sir jay! please, help me! i'm your father's right hand who served for him for years!”, the guard pleaded. he knew himself that he would be killed just like the other guards, that's why he cried.

jay unsurprisingly knew the guy. he was his father's right hand after all, he definitely knew how this guy was trusted by his dad. and, the fact that he can't do anything to save the guy who's about to get killed made him dizzier.

“gun, please?~”, mr. nam requested. he was kind of singing his words and hearing that sucks for the husbands. they knew that the man was teasing them and it's working.

the demon definitely knew how to make their bloods boil.

“no! no! please, no!”, the guy pleaded once more. “sir jay, please do something! save me, please!”, he shouted while crying, looking at mr. nam who's holding a gun now while walking closer to him.

on the other hand, jungwon continued to cry as well. he felt bad for the guy. he wanted to save him, of course, but how? both hin and jay are currently useless and that's freaking frustrating for them.

“lick the gun”, mr. nam ordered the guy who became confused. “i said, lick this fcking gun!”, he repeated himself, placing the gun he was holding close to the guy's face.

because of too much fearness, the guard just followed the demon. he slowly sticked his tongue out and place it on the gun.

“alright, continue doing that~”, again, with that sing-song tone, mr. nam muttered annoyingly as he continues to let his gun to be licked by the guy.

jay and jungwon stood there, watching the guy as he licks the gun held by mr. nam. both of them got the hint of what the demon was planning to do, but they are hoping that he won't be that crazy.

“great job, rat. now, close your eyes while you continue to clean my gun~”, the man muttered and the guard did what he was told to do. he closed his eyes and cleaned the gun using his mouth.

everything was kind of okay at first, not until mr. nam pulled the gun's trigger, and the man infront of him immediately collapsed.

jungwon's mouth went wide open after he watched how the guard got shot right on his mouth, while jay was cursing on his head because they just witnessed how cruel mr. nam was.

“oops, i pulled the trigger~”, the man muttered sarcastically. he then looked at jay and jungwon who were frozen at their positions. he laughed before he spoke again.

hey, don't be so overwhelmed, okay? we still have your parents for the next show.

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