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"this place is getting prettier and prettier everytime i go here", jay said, both of them are under the sun now, walking around the island.

jungwon didn't answer, he just kept on frowning and ignoring the older.

"hey, still mad?", jay asked but he received no answer. "fine, i'm sorry. i just wanted to surprise you, okay?"

"whatever", jungwon said while frowning.

"aish, but anyways, i wasn't lying about us, going to the company, though. they really invited us there but i already had a plan, this one day vacation here", the older explained. "so, instead of us, going in the company, my dad and mom are the one's who's going here now-oh, there they are!", then jay pointed somewhere.

"prank again?", the younger boredly asked.

"no, i'm serious", jay answered before waving his hands above, shouting, "mom, dad, here!"

that made jungwon look at the place his husband is waving. there, he saw his parents-in-law.

they are really here.

"aish! hyung!", then jungwon started hitting jay for the second time that day.

"stop, haha. let's greet them, run!", then the older ran. soon, jungwon followed him, running as well, muttering some curse words.


"good morning, mom! good morning mr. park!", jungwon greeted jay's parents.

"wow, i'm jealous. you're calling my wife 'mom' but you're not calling me 'dad'", mr. park said, making them laugh.

"you have favoritism, jungwonie", jay teased.

"n-no! i'm going to call you 'dad' now, dad", the youngest of the four awkwardly said.

"alright, haha. enough for this, let's just feel comfortable today, okay?", mrs. park reminded them. "oh! i almost forgot, i invited your mom, too, wonie. unfortunately, she said that she can't go out because she has many things to do".

"as always", jungwon thought. "ah, mom's must be busy. please, forgive her for rejecting your invitation".

"no, no, no! you don't have to do that, wonie. i understand your mom. if we were busy as well in the company, we won't really go here, too", mrs. park smiled.

"okay, time to swim guys!", jay shouted before running into the water.

"wait for us, jongseong! let's go, wonie?", mrs. park asked him.

"the last person to reach the water is the ugliest, bye stupids!", mr. park ran away.

"ah, really! like father, like son. both of them are annoying but yeah, i'm not ugly so, bye, wonie!", then mrs. park ran as well, leaving jungwon behind.

"wow? like parents, like son?", then he shaked his head before running as well.


the four started to swim already. it turned out to jungwon that jay's parents are really fun.

he remembered that those two are also the one's who started the games in their wedding reception party.

really childish, just like their son.

"hey, let's wait for a last wave and after that, we'll eat already, okay?", mrs. park suggested.


"alright, i'm hungry!"

"yes, game!"

all of them waited for another wave that will surely make them wet. after a few minutes, the water started to kind of get big and they felt it, a huge wave is coming!

"there it is! get ready!", mr. park shouted.

"1!", jay counts.

"2!", then jungwon.

"and 3!", mr. and mrs. park shouted then a huge wave touched their skin, making the four of them almost fall.


"that was so fun! haha!"

"you know what's more fun? let's eat now!"

"let's go!"

then the four came out of the water, smiling and laughing. enjoying like a real family.


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that looks fun, i'm jealous haha.

last beach scene for the next chapter.

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