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weeks had passed, and fortunately, no heartbreaking happenings had occured for the couple. jungwon was definitely thankful for that.

with the lesser stress that he received for the last few weeks, the greater the healing he experienced.

his right shoulder casting was finally removed, that's why he can use his right hand freely again. while for the bags of pain on his chest, they are still there, but jungwon is slowly getting them off-with the help of his husband, his parents-in-law, and his friends, of course.

also, jungwon didn't receive any sort of stress from school, because for the meantime, students are advised to stay at home while the gun shooting incident is still under the investigation of the police.

that applies for jay as well. he also has no classes since a lot of students from their school attended that public acquaintance party. now, jay's school is also under investigation, along with many more schools and universities there.

"are you sure that you only want to paint our home white and blue?", jay asked his husband while looking at the cans of paint he got out from his car. he has his hands on his own waist as he breathes heavily, tired of carrying the cans.

the two are currently outside their house. jay just got home after buying the paints, and jungwon went out of his room the moment he heard jay's car.

"yes, why? are we supposed to paint it with rainbow colors?", jungwon asked the older back, before he excitedly opened one of the paint cans.

"i mean, why not? this is our home after all. also, rainbow colors are great, they're refreshing", jay muttered.

"oh, i love the smell of these paints!", the younger exclaimed.

"huh? but, they are odorless", jay said, confused.

"exactly! that's why i love them, haha", jungwon closed the can again and stood up. "let's call mom now. let's ask for designs, hyung! let's go!", the younger then left the older outside.

"hey! help me atleast with these cans! they're quite heavy, y'know?", jay complained, but jungwon didn't hear him-or the younger pretended to not hear him atleast.

in the end, jay was the one who brought the cans inside their house without getting any help from his husband who's busy thinking of designs.


"so, blue and white, huh? that's a great combination", mrs. park stated as she sat down on the couch.

after jungwon told her that he and jay already have the color paints, she immediately excused herself from the company to help her sons.

"yes, mom. i think it'll somehow look like the sky. y'know, the calming and refreshing sky, mom", jungwon said as he chopped the watermelon that mrs. park brought. he tried a piece and he was amazed. "hm, this is so sweet, mom! it's not that watery, too."

"bring that here now, jungwonie. i'm so hungry because of carrying those paints", jay muttered, and jungwon immediately brought the plate of watermelon on the center table infront of the couches.

both jay and mrs. park tried the watermelon, and they agreed that it was sweet.

"if you like the sky, then let's draw some clouds on your ceiling, wonie. i could do that for you. then, we'll color them white and blue", mrs. park suggested.

"really, mom? i would love that! and then, we'll make the walls just plain to emphasize the design of the ceiling!", jungwon excitedly said.

"great idea, wonie. after we finished this watermelon, we'll start immediately. your home is huge, this would definitely take us a while to finish", the woman said.

"sure, mom!"

"but, i'm still so tired!", jay complained. "earlier, there was a lot of customers on that paint shop! i waited for too long then i'm still the one who brought them here!"

"y'know what, jongseong? you complain too much these days. just finish eating and help us already, okay?", mrs. park muttered, smiling at jungwon who's laughing because of his husband.

"aish!", the only thing jay was able to say as he eats the watermelon with a slight pout and frown on his face.


after eating the whole watermelon, the three started to design the ceiling first. mrs. park climbed on some metal ladder to reach the highest part, but she struggled and the two boys could see that.

"mom, i can help you. i'll be the one to draw some clouds up there instead", jungwon said while he and his husband are holding the ladder to balance it and for mrs. park to avoid injuries.

"i think that's a great idea. it seems like mom still wouldn't be able to reach the ceiling, even though she's already using this ladder. yeah, she's that small", jay joked.

"you know that i can still hear you, right, jongseong? wait for me until i went down there", mrs. park said. slowly, she went down on the ladder and pinched his son's ears until they were red.

"ouch, mom!", jay wailed out, trying to stop his mom.

jungwon smiled at the scene, and for some reason, he was jealous because he and his mother never and would never had that kind of interaction anymore, now that she's gone.

seeing that jungwon was spacing out, mrs. park immediately stopped pinching jay's ears and went to hug the young boy.

"missing your mom, wonie?", the woman asked. jungwon slowly nodded his head and returned mrs. park's hug.

this is why jungwon loves jay's mother so much. from the very start, she was really, really thoughtful for him and jay.

no doubt why jay has been constantly loving and caring for him, his husband definitely got those characteristics from his mom.

meanwhile, jay childishness came from his father, jungwon could say. he doesn't complain, though. he loves it when jay is acting like a child.

after some moments, someone pressed their doorbell, causing its sound to be heard clearly by the three.

"mom, did you invite dad here?", jay asked his mother, who shaked her head and answered him with a simple 'no'. he then proceeded to open the door with his husband and his mother behind him.

the moment he has opened the door, a guy wearing a hat immediately bowed infront of them with such politeness, and when he showed his face, jungwon's blood started to boil in anger.

"hello, it's me, heeseung."


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lol, heeseung finally showed up hahshsuwhahaa.

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