No matter what they do no matter what they say we gonna resonate

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"Hyunjin let's get married next week," I stood there shocked, "babe I'm still pregnant plus you just got your memories back." "They have plus sized suits for you and don't worry about my memories," I started crying I hugged him tightly we're actually getting married. We kissed each other but it escalated into something different. In the morning my back was hurting and my throat was sore. I went to the kitchen to get some water when I looked down at my stomach I realized how big I was it's so different knowing I have two babies growing inside me than having one.

I finished my water and ate a bunch of junk food which isn't healthy but I couldn't resist. I looked at the time it was around 7am so I went back in bed. "Babe where were you?" "I was getting water go back to sleep you have work to do." He kissed my forehead and closed his eyes he's so cute when sleeping I laid down next to him his skin is so soft and warm I can stay in his arms all day.

"DAD," I quickly got up and went to Soojins room, "What's wrong baby," "there's a bug," I sighed I killed the bug and went back into my room that kid is a handful Soojin is just like me. Hyunsik is quiet I don't like that I never know if he's okay or not I'll probably have to talk to him soon. When I got back to Felix he was up he looked mad, "I want cuddles stop leaving," "Sorry baby your daughter was screaming over a bug," he grabbed my waist and pulled me down he started kissing me neck. "Babe we've been having to much sex," "I know," "we should stop having this much you're going to break me. "I won't be able to fuck you when you give birth," I hit his shoulder and laughed.

I cuddled with Felix until both of the kids woke up it was 8am so I packed their lunches and got them ready for school. When I got back to the house Felix was dancing to his new solo something about his dancing is so sexy I swear. I sat on the couch and watched him dance his moves was so delicate.

I got up but fell back down due to Felix pushing me down he started dancing again it felt like he was seducing me with his dance moves. After Felix stopped dancing I realized it was time to pick up the kids from school. "Dad I met a friend?" I was surprised Hyunsik had a friend, "Tell me about him or her when we get home," "okay," I put them in the car and drove off when we got home Hyunsik made me sit so he can talk about his friend. "What's your friend name," "Park Jisung, he's so nice but shy he can sometimes be mean when he doesn't have his food." I laughed a little he's so cute I sat on the couch and watched him talk about his friend for hours my smile stayed there it was nice to see Hyunsik talking to me about his friend.

(Guys The next part will be about I.N and his boyfriend who isn't bangchan)

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