Late night

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It's been 3 months now I need to get ready for a comeback and many other things this week is going to be very busy. 

Okay so this is the reason why I'm taking a hiatus I'll be back but I will be doing photoshoots and music videos but only features, Thank you guys for being patient with me and letting me take my time, I don't know if I'm keeping it or not

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Okay so this is the reason why I'm taking a hiatus I'll be back but I will be doing photoshoots and music videos but only features, Thank you guys for being patient with me and letting me take my time, I don't know if I'm keeping it or not. I hope you guys don't hate me or anything, I will be back doing regular things in the next 12 to 13 months I know that's long but I will be putting out content on my Youtube channel and posting on Instagram often I'm 3 months in a half right now so I still have time with you guys, Thank you again. 


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I didn't want any hate so I turned off the comments I laid down on my side and held my stomach. I want the baby to live so I think I will be giving it up for adoption but at the same time I want to raise this child. I eventually fell asleep from thinking about this baby. 

The next morning I threw up, as usual, I made myself eggs and bacon for breakfast. At first, I was shocked when I got pregnant but I have female organs that allow me to get pregnant, It still doesn't make sense but I won't question it anymore. I wonder what Felix thinks of this he probably hates me right now. Before I told him he looked disappointed which I can understand but after I told him everything he became more understanding but he hasn't talked to me in a week. 

I didn't want to call him every second because I feel like he would get mad at me so I gave him space but I feel like we need to communicate and talk because it can resolve the problems we have. I decided to call him because I was getting anxious, "Hello." this voice was deeper than Felix "Felix?" "Yeah" I stayed quiet his voice gotten deeper. "Felix are you okay." "Yes, I am I should be asking you if you're okay." "Yeah, I am I missed you so much." I started to tear up.

"Don't cry, baby." This Felix was so different it wasn't a bad way or a good way it kind of scared me a little. "I'm okay, can you come over right now." "Yeah, sure I'll be there in 20 minutes." I waited for Felix to come over he was taking long I didn't want to think the worst so I just sat at the table waiting. After a few hours, I heard a knock I ran to the door and opened it Felix hugged me tight I soon as I opened the door. 

"Sorry for taking long I got a cake for you and the ramen you liked." "Thank you so much bubby." I ate the cake every last single piece of it, I went to the sink and cleaned the plate Felix came behind me and gave me a back hug. "You scared me a little." He stayed silent he turned me around and kissed me. I was shocked but kissed back his boot made him taller so I had to reach a little. We went to my room and laid down because I was tired he was the big spoon this time we fell asleep after a while. 

Felix woke me up at 7 in the morning I'm so tired I want to go to sleep. I kept falling asleep all day even while standing. "Hyunjin go home early and get some rest." "NO, I'm fine I promise." Felix was with me so he took my hand and pulled me to the side. "I'm taking you home so come on get your bag and water and let's go." He was very firm when saying it but I did what he said, If I had refused he would make a fuss of it.

Felix drove me home it was silent the whole drive but comfortable. We stopped at Felix's house instead I was kind of confused, "I thought we were going to my house." "I want you staying here since Changbin knows where you live go inside and wait for me in my room." I'm starting to worry because Felix never acts like this but I chose not to question it I went inside said Hi to Jeongie and went to Felix's room.

After 2 hours he walked into his room he took off his shirt I started blushing a little. "Felix I'm right here." "I know." The fact that he knows I'm right here and still taking off his clothes makes me blush. He put on sweat pants and a random shirt we laid down together he was touching me in places he's never touched and he asked me if he can touch me which I'm glad for. "The reason I stayed away for a week is that I wanted you to have space and give you time sorry if made you sad or anything." I hugged him so tightly I thought he hated me or something. 


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