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My family wants me to stay for a while so they can spend time with me I agreed because they wouldn't leave me alone about it. I walked to my old room it was still pastel purple the posters were still on the walls it looked the same. I laid on my bed and waited for Felix to get here since he is going to be staying here and I.N is going to be staying with a friend. Someone knocked on my door. "Come in." The door opened it was my annoying brother Jaemin. "How are you doing." "Good just cut to the chase and ask me for something." "So I want our dads to meet my boyfriends but you know how they are." "They met Felix and they didn't scream as much." "That's because your the baby and plus one of them is pregnant." "Seriously okay I'll help you this time." "Thank you so much bye." "Bye." He walked out of my room and closed the door.

I fell asleep thinking about Jaemin and his pregnant boyfriend I never knew that having female organs was common. I stopped thinking about it I heard a small knock I played sleep because I didn't feel like talking. The person walked in and laid next to me I was about to get up until I heard Felix's voice. "I guess you were tired," he said he put his hand on my stomach and rubbed it. 

I woke it was around 3 am in the morning I went downstairs to get some water and some cereal. I stayed at the table replying to texts from my other idol friends. I guess I woke up Felix from laughing. "Hey, baby what are you doing up." "I was looking for you I couldn't feel you next to me." "Awwww stop being cute and come give me a kiss." He kissed my lips softly. He sat down next to me we talked about meeting his parents and baby stuff. 

(Time skip)

It's been 2 months already a lot has happened Jaemin's brothers met my parents and told them one of them was pregnant they yelled a lot. I and Felix found a house for just me and him since I.N will now be at the dorms and my doctor said that I dilated 1 centimeter I'm so ready to see my baby.

(3rd person pov)

"Guys I will now tell you guys the gender of the baby it is a.......Girl." Jinyoung was the most excited one since he had all boys. Felix was shocked he thought it was going to be a boy. After the gender reveal party everyone went home the only person that stayed was Jaemin he wanted to ask Felix for advice on mood swings. "Felix how do I deal with mood swings." "Well Hyunjin doesn't have mood swings that much but if he is angry I give him space" "Oh okay thank you so much." "No problem." Hyunjin had this smile on his face when looking at his brother and boyfriend talking. 

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