Rip that pussy

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Me and Felix decided to go to the movies since we never actually had a real date. "Babe what're you wearing." "My favorite crop top," "go change," I sighed Felix doesn't like me wearing things like this he doesn't like how I show off my belly or legs but anyway I wore his shirt. "Not my Gucci shirt no actually it's fine I'm ready to go." I smiled and we headed out the door.

When we got out the car cameras were everywhere I just posed for the pictures and kissed Felix just for fan service. We got in there it was silent there since nobody was there we got our popcorn and slushees and headed to the room where we're supposed to be watching the movie. We got in the front and cuddled up it was nice to be out the house and with Felix. "Hyunjin stop pouting," "your being mean I can't help it I have to pee I'll be back," I got up and went to the bathroom when I walked out the stall he was there. "Felix you could've waited," he didn't say anything I think he's mad or something.

We finished the movie and headed home he didn't give me a goodnight kiss or nothing the kids were gone so I wanted to stay up and watch tv but he went to the bed. "Babe are you mad at me?" "No," "are you sure? You've been acting different you don't even like kissing as often as we used to do you hate me now or are you not in the mood." "SHUT UP," I flinched a little he turned to me and was about to open his mouth but I walked out of the bedroom before he could say anything.

I cried the whole night he's never yelled at me before and it's reminding me of changbin he would yell at me a lot. "Hey, baby I'm sorry," I ignored him I didn't want to talk to him or see him. "Babe I'm really sorry it's just I'm stressed about the baby, work, our kids, and you," "why are you stressed about me?" "You don't listen to me when I tell you to eat you throw fits and you keep bringing up Han Jisung." "Oh I'm sorry," I got up and hugged him his warmth always make things better.


"I'm tired I was up crying so I'm going to go to bed come cuddle with me." "Okay baby and sorry again I know it's not your fault that you're like this I went overboard." "Babe it's fine give me cuddles or I'll stay mad at you forever." He smiled at me and we cuddled up in the bedroom.

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