Play with my 😺

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My eyes opened wide it was just a dream I looked beside me and saw Felix sleeping I held his face and stared at him. "You wouldn't do that to me," I kissed his cheek and got to use the bathroom. I heard foot steps around the corner so I went to see if it was Soojin and to my surprise it was hyunsik crying. I ran over to him and sat next to him, "are you okay baby?" "I miss daddy," "I know sweetie I'll ask your dad if he can visit you don't cry baby." "Thank you mommy," he hugged me and smiled he's so cute I gave him ice cream and let him watch tv.

When I got back to the room Felix was still sleep so I got back in bed, the next morning was quiet Soojin was at a play date with kais daughter and Hyunsik had his tablet. Felix was curing someone out in the room when he swears I know he's angry. When I went the room he looked really stressed so I sat next to him and patted his back. "Babe who were you on the phone with." "Jisung he doesn't want Hyunsik anymore and wants us to keep him," "oh." I kissed him and told him everything will be okay.

I couldn't imagine leave Soojin she's my daughter that I birthed I love her way too much. I went to Hyunsiks room and played with him he's so adorable he looks just like Felix, "mom can we go out tomorrow?" "Sure," I hugged him and left out his room felix was on the couch drinking. I took the drink away from him he looked pissed but I didn't care I gave him a massage so he could relax.

Hyunsik came out his room and cuddled up with me and Felix on the couch, "mom when is the baby going to be here?" "Uh in about 5 months," he smiled and rubbed my stomach he's so cute I swear I wish I could've met him sooner. I kissed his cheek and he kissed mine.

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