I feel like fucking something

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Felix has been distant it's really annoying he doesn't touch me anymore he doesn't talk to me anymore and he doesn't eat with me. I cried silently because it felt we were breaking apart maybe this baby was a mistake because he wasn't acting like this until I told him I was pregnant. I wiped my tears and packed a bag for me and the kids I wanted to be away from him his dark Aurora made everyone miserable.

"Soojin get in the car," she kept running around I was getting frustrated so I just grabbed her and put her in the car seat Hyunsik was already in there he's so quiet like Felix. I was about to drive off until Felix knocked on the window door, I rolled the window door down and stared at him, "Felix are you serious where the fuck are you going," "stop curing in front of the kids and I'm getting away from you. I rolled my window back up and left.

"Soojin and Hyunsik daddy won't be with us for a while so get comfortable with uncle Jaemin and the twins. "Okay dad," that was the first time Soojin called me dad she usually calls me mommy I took their bags out the car and handed them to Jaemin I watched as they went inside. I got back into my car and headed back to Felix so I can talk to him then leave. When I got inside the house Felix was drinking.

"Felix stop drinking you know how you get," he ignored me he seemed really pissed. "Felix seriously why are you acting so cold me lately?" Again he didn't answer I wanted to cry but I held myself together. He got up and walked to me I backed away as he was walking forward I was stopped by the white wall. He grabbed my throat and started choking me, "F-f-Felix stop I can't breathe." "STOP ACTING LIKE A LITTLE SLUT YOU KEEP TEXTING ALL THESE GUYS." He let go of my neck I coughed a bit he slapped me hard I was crying he kept slapping and punching me but he didn't dare  to hit me in my stomach.

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