Soojins supremacy

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I woke up to one of my dads calling me at 3:56 am, "Hello?" "Soojin won't stop crying." "Have you tried giving her a warm bottle and rocking her while she eats it?" "Yes, she just won't stop crying." "Um, usually Felix would give her a purple teddy bear that she nibbles on before she goes to bed." "Oh I saw it in the bag I'll get." "Okay call me when she is asleep." "Alright." I hung up the phone and went back to sleep. At 4:00 am I woke up to another call, "Dad I'm just going to come over." "Thank you." I hung up and got dressed I tried waking Felix but he wouldn't budge. I got in the car and headed to my dad's house.

I walked in and everyone was in the living trying to soothe Sooojin, I walked to Jaemin who was holding her, and took her I got the pink blanket out and took the pump out of my bag. I pumped the milk and heated it up, I held her and fed her the bottle she drifted to sleep. "Wow, that was all it took," Taeyong said, I did that already Jaemin said. "As you, idiots can see she drinks mostly breast milk." Everyone except Jinyoung and Hyunjin said oh, "Guys I pumped milk for her why didn't ya'll give her the bottles in the bag." "I don't know where they are." I grabbed the bag and picked up a bottle from out of it. They all looked at me like I did some amazing trick.

Soojin was asleep so I left and headed back to my house, once I walked in the house Felix was standing right there. "Where were you." "At my dad's house, they couldn't get Soojin to sleep because they didn't give her the breast milk I pumped." He stared at me he seems mad, "Why didn't you wake me." "I tried but you wouldn't wake up."

" Oh, next time shake me like crazy I was worried about you." "Okay I will, why are you dressed? " "it's Nothing go to the bedroom I have someone to meet." "Who the hell is someone." "An old friend." "Tell your friend your busy and who the fuck calls at 4:34 am." "Calm down you can come along if you want." "I don't want too but as soon as you walk out this damn door you're not coming back in." He hugged me, "Baby why are you so mad." "I have trust issues okay and I don't want you cheating on me I really love you." I hugged him tighter. "I would never do that and I think you're going to like my old friend." 

"Who is it anyway." "Choi San." I gasped he is the most popular dancer and singer internationally. "Really why is he calling this early tho." "He has a tight schedule so this is the only way we could meet but I guess I'll have to cancel." "Can he come here tomorrow?" "I'll have to check, I like how you changed moods when he heard his name." "Well he's kind of my celebrity crush and he's super hot and sexy I only bottom for you but besides you, San could fuck me until I break." "..........I'm about to be a single father." "I was playing baby." "Whatever." I kissed him softly. His mood seemed to lighten up, "Hyunjin." "Hm?" "I love you." I smiled so hard, "I love you too."

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