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After i and Felix finished "Hugging" we had to leave so we can meet San, I got Soojin dressed she had on gray sweats and a white shirt on I put a cute hat on her and socks. I and Hyunjin wore the same thing. We finally got to this food place which was 20 minutes away, Felix grabbed the stroller, car seat and connected them together I gently laid her down she was sleeping which was a relief.

Felix grabbed the stroller and pushed inside the food place I walked behind them when we got in there were San and 7 other people at the table. "HYUNJIN." "Shhhh." He looked at the stroller he expressed a surprised expression. "You have a kid." "Yep her name is Lee Soojin." "Oh, and who is that behind you." "Hyunjin and the person who birthed Soojin." "Hyunjin? as in Hwang Hyunjin." "Yes." San got up and hugged me I hugged back because I didn't want to be rude. "I love your music." "San you too touchy." "Oh sorry." "Thank you for liking my music I'm coming out with a new song soon." "Really what's it called." "It's a secret." Felix sat in a chair while I and San talked for a bit.

Felix was talking to the other guys while I was focused on San, I heard crying so I looked over to Felix who was trying to calm her. "Felix, she probably needs to be changed." "I checked it's not that she probably wants to eat." I realized I forgot to pump milk this morning, "I forgot the bottles sorry I'll be back guys." "Okay." They all said I went to Felix and took her outside I went to the car and breastfed her.

(Felix pov) 

"Is everything okay?" "Yeah, Hyunjin is just going to feed her." "Oh okay." "So Felix how is it being a dad." "It's hard since Soojin be so attached to me at night she doesn't let me sleep." "Oh she seems cute when she done eating can I hold her?" "Yeah, but what have you been up to." "Nothing much just getting married." "WHAT?" "Yeah, I wanted to see you so you could come as my best man and we having a party too but I see that you have a child." "Yeah I could probably plan one party but the rest I won't be able to." "Really thanks, man." "No problem but who are you marrying." "My noncelebrity boyfriend Yeosang and famous dancer Wooyoung." "You didn't tell me that you were marrying Yeosang." "You didn't tell me you had a child and your dating one of the best soloists." "True." 

We talked for another 5 minutes Hyunjin walks in with the Soojin, "Baby is she asleep." "Yeah." "Oh is it okay for San to hold her." "Of course." Hyunjin walked to San and handed him the baby lightly. San had a big smile on his face my other friends were saying she was so cute. 

After a few hours of us talking and catching up, we left and went home. "Felix-" I saw tears coming down I was getting worried, "Baby what's wrong did someone hurt you," "I saw Changbin he said he was going to take Soojin away from us." "Baby I won't let happen we have to take him to court." He hugged me all the tears were getting on my coat but I didn't mind. "Hyunjin look at me." "He looked at me all shy and cute, "I won't let anyone take you or my child away so don't worry tomorrow we have to take that bastard to court." "You promise?" "Yes, I promise now stop crying and lay down with Soojin I'll be watching TV." "Okay." 

I walked to the living room and took out my phone I called someone it rang for a while it finally answered. "Yes, Hyung." "Find information about Seo Changbin." "Yes sir." I hung up and smiled to myself like a crazy person I went to the room and laid with my angles.

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