Chapter Twenty-Two

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Ok so last chapter was intense... this one is gonna be a little diffrent than normal. It's not really focused on Yoongi and Hoseok its sort of a backstory/ plot filler chapter. 

I predict a few conflicted opinions, some questions and thories at the end of this chapter. It might be slightly confusing so play close attention to whats happening. 




My chest was heaving up and down, trying to catch my breath. It felt good to finally know, to finally take out all my pent-up anger on my 'father'. I turned towards the stairs climbing them and rushing to my room to pack my anything I needed.

Heading back down the stairs bags in had I walked past my father who was still stood in the center of the hallway. Exiting the prison of 24 years and slamming the door behind me.


Once Yoongi had left Mr Min was left standing in the hallway of the house he used to share with his wife. The same house he trapped his 'son' in for the last 24 years. He was stood frozen in the hallway his hands balled into tight fists.

It had been years since he had even thought about his wife, he tried not to it only brought him pain. Instead, he threw himself into his work. It had been years since he'd seen that face one that brought him both pain and tranquillity. Seeing that face, the face or his love today had wrecked him. Only it wasn't her face it was the face of his 'son' who was a copy of her in male form. Seeing her face in him pained him, made him angry.

He could see her in Yoongi from 1 year old and over the years the pain and grief from his wife alongside the constant reminder of her whenever he looked at his son. Mr Min hadn't always hated Yoongi when he was born, he loved him and treated him like his son that was until he was around 1. Yoongi started to show his mother's features.

The constant reminders of what he lost hurt him to the point he got angry at Yoongi, he took out his pain on him. Punished him for looking like her. He saw it as Yoongi was taunting him with what he had taken from him rather than seeing him as his wife's last gift to him.

It wasn't until Yoongi was 5 Mr Min had enough of being reminded of his late wife. So, he fixed the problem. He forced his son to cover his face so he wouldn't have to look at him and be reminded of his wife.

Mr Min was still standing in the hallway, a small tear now running down his face. He wasn't crying over his son but rather the memories he had brought back up hitting him like a tidal wave.

Shaking himself off he headed upstairs to his bedroom, closing the door, and walking to his bed and crouching down.

He pulled out a box from under his bed, it was covered in dust and clearly hadn't been touched in a while. It had a small lock on the side. Mr min undid the top button of his shirt revealing a small chain around his neck attached to it a small key and 2 rings his wife's engagement ring and her wedding ring, the day she died he had made them into a necklace which he never took off. Bringing the rings to his lips he left a lingering kiss on the gold hoops. (Quick A/N - I got this idea from my grandad he had my nans wedding ring around his neck and whenever he visits her grave, he kisses it before he leaves the cemetery)

Taking the chain off he unlocks the box and places it on the bed before pulling off the lid. The box was filled with albums, loose photos, and picture frames. All of which used to decorate the walls of the house. Although one picture in particular was more worn than the rest, the edges were crumbled, and the image was blurry and faded. Mr Min reached for the picture his hand shaking as he lifted it up to look at it. A tear rolling down his face.

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