Chapter Twenty-One

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We stood staring at each other for a few seconds before I pulled up my mask and opened the door slipping down out into the hallway and out the building towards my father's house.

Warning! Possible triggering and sensitive content ahead. Procced with caution. 


On my way back to my father's house there was a whirlwind of thoughts running through my mind. A mix of positive and negative thoughts at that.

I was walking the long route back, trying to avoid any main streets and busy areas. The last thing I needed right now was to be caught and photographed again in public. I was already in deep enough shit as it is. Honestly, the thought of what was going to happen when I got home was enough to send shivers down my spine.

There was no way for me to hide the fact I'd left the house at this point. I'd just have to walk through the gate and accept my fate, sneaking in would only make the situation worse.

I got to the front gate of my father's house in around 20 minutes, I was pretty sure I hadn't been spotted by any paparazzi or press. I took a few moments to compose myself as I could already see my father's car on the driveway in front of the house, so I knew he was home. That would definitely mean he knew I wasn't there.

Taking a deep breath, I squeezed myself through the bars of the gate and strolled up to the front door, just as I was about to open the door it flew open my father standing in the doorway with a furious expression of his face, you could see the veins popping out his neck and forehead.

Right, this second, I wished I had stayed at Hoseok's. I wanted to turn and run but before I could even move an inch, I felt my father's hand clasp around the back of my neck yanking my head down as he pushed me into the house. Letting go with a forceful push. I struggled to stay on my feet as my upper body fell over my feet causing me to stumble.

I heard the front door slam and the sound of footsteps walking towards me. When I looked up, I was met with the gaze of my father.

"You fucking brat!" My father yelled as he struck my face with the inside of his hand, the strap of my mask to come loose from the impact causing it to fall from my face. It was now swinging from my other ear exposing my face.

I swear I saw flames bubble up in my father's eyes when he saw my uncovered face. His expression darkened as he stepped closer to me, I instinctively stepped backwards trying to put as much distance between us as possible.

My father stood there looking at me before he grabbed my face by my chin, squeezing my jaw before throwing me backwards. I landed on the floor my head hitting the marble.

"I go away for a few days and you seem to forget who makes the rules here. You're pathetic."

Pushing myself up with my arms, raising my head from the floor, I touch the top of my head noticing my hair is wet. Bringing my hand back down I see the red substance that covering my fingertips.

"I should have gotten rid of you when I had the chance, before you ruined everything". "You're nothing but a disgusting excuse for a human".

Listening to my father's words, something inside my snapped. Normally, when my father was like this, I'd accept it as the truth. But something was stopping me from doing so. I pulled myself up, still feeling a little dizzy from my fall, to face my father dead on.

I stood there glaring at him. For the first time in my life, I wasn't going to accept what my father said. I felt a rage burning up within me until I burst.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM!" I gesture with my arms, screaming towards my so-called father.

"Not once have I EVER done anything to you, never have I done anything to justify being treated like shit!"

"So come on tell me! WHAT THE FUCK DID I DO!?!"

"What did I do to you that was so bad you hold such hatred for me, your own son!". My heart was racing, I could feel the anger boiling inside of me. But it felt good to finally shout, scream and let it all out.

"You are not my son!" My father yelled back at my poking his index finger into my chest. That was it I'd had enough. I thought I was angry before but now I was fuming.

"All my life, you've treated me like shit, ignored me, mentally fucked me up, kept me from being myself, made me believe I was worthless. So, tell me 'father' why? How could you look at a baby, your own baby and hate it from day one."?



"Then you dare to walk around wearing her face and taunt me with it.

"Wait what?"

"She died, she died in childbirth. The love of my life died because of you!"

"Are you fucking kidding me! After 24 years of mental torture and abuse you're telling me it was all because of this."

"I was a fucking baby!" "It wasn't like I had any choice in the matter".

"Maybe if you had taken a second to realise that she chose me over herself, you'd see just how fucked up the way you treated me is. Do you think she'd be happy knowing the child she sacrificed herself for was being thrown around, abused all because of a choice she made!"

"You were right about one thing!"

"I'm not your son!" "I'm not the perfect copy of you, I'm not the perfect heir you wanted."

"But I've had enough of trying to meet those expectations, I'm sick of you trying to dictate my life like you own me, trying to flog me off to the richest businessman's daughter you can find."

"I'll never accept it; I'll never marry a woman. I'll never live up to the expectations you had for me and I've finally accepted that."

"You can't control me anymore, I don't care if the press sees me, I don't care about maintaining your reputation. I'm going to be who I am. I'm going to live my life how I want, not how you want. So, fuck your stupid rules! and fuck you!"

"Don't expect to see me again and time soon".

My chest was heaving up and down, trying to catch my breath. It felt good to finally know, to finally take out all my pent-up anger on my 'father'. I turned towards the stairs climbing them and rushing to my room to pack my anything I needed.

Heading back down the stairs bags in had I walked past my father who was still stood in the center of the hallway. Exiting the prison of 24 years and slamming the door behind me.


So was this what you were expecting to happen?

What do you think of Mr Min's reasoning? 

Were getting into the thick of the story now, I'd say were almost at the half way point. So be prepared for the rest! Hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one.


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