Chapter Twenty-Three

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He looked at the picture remembering the happiness he felt on that day and how excited he was to become a dad. To raise a son. He promised himself he wouldn't become his father he wanted to be the best dad he could.

It was at this moment Sung-ho felt genuine tears of guilt fill his eyes, he had become the very thing he promised he wouldn't. He had ruined the last gift his wife had left him. He knew at that moment his wife would hate the man he had become. 


Hoseok was sat in bed on his phone scrolling through the mass number of stories and pictures of Yoongi. Hoseok didn't want to intrude on Yoongi's privacy like this but there were so many stories and things being said about him, none of which were even remotely anyone's business that it was almost impossible to avoid.

It was true Hoseok didn't necessarily know Yoongi very well in person, but he definitely knew him better than all these news broadcasters and gossipers. He knew Yoongi was the exact opposite of all their assumptions.

Since Yoongi had left he hadn't left Hoseok's thoughts. His face, his voice, his eyes, and his lips...

Hoseok felt himself moving his fingers up towards his lips brushing over them lightly. Yoongi had kissed him. Still a little giddy about the whole thing. He couldn't believe he had kissed him especially in the way he did.

Hoseok felt his cheeks heating up at the thought. What was this feeling. He had kissed guys before why did this time feel different. The image of Yoongi's uncovered face running through his mind, Hoseok honestly didn't care if he was attractive, he was definitely a personality first kind of person but he didn't expect Yoongi to look so breath-taking. It was like a crime to cover that up because he was beautiful, somehow being able to look cute and hot at the same time.

On top of all this he had the personality to match. Yoongi had been through so much in his life and Hoseok felt honoured that Yoongi had shared it with him. It made letting Yoongi leave earlier so much harder he didn't want him in such a toxic place around abusive people.

Hoseok was snapped from his thoughts, throwing his head up to the directing of the sound that disturbed him. Pulling the covers off him he staggered towards his front door and pulling it open.

His breath caught in his throat when his eyes with the person behind the door.

"Yoongi, what are you doing here?" Hoseok spluttered now noticing the bag thrown over his shoulder.

What he didn't expect was for Yoongi to throw himself through the door wrapping his arms tightly around his torso and burying his face in Hoseok's chest. Small sobs coming from the male wrapped around him. Hoseok starting to feel tears soak through his t-shirt and hit his skin.

Still startled, Hoseok pulled Yoongi closer resting his head on his and rubbing small circles on the males back in a reassuring manner. He edged backwards from the door taking yoongi with him, then closing the door behind them.

Turning his attention back at the boy in his arms looking down at his shaking form. Yoongi was still wearing the same clothes he had been when he left a few hours ago.

What had happened to him in that time to make him like this. Hoseok felt a pang in his chest looking at him.

Yoongi pushed himself off of Hoseok, unwrapping himself from him as he wiped the tears from his eyes. Hoseok watched the boy his eyebrows knitted in concern before he raised his hand to touch Yoongi's cheek which was again covered by a mask before hesitating and pulling his hand back when Yoongi slightly flinched.

This causing Hoseok's worry to intensify. The two were just standing in front of one another. Yoongi had his eyes fixed to the floor his bucket bat pulled down to hide his red puffy eyes. While Hoseok looked down at Yoongi trying to figure out how to comfort the boy when he didn't even know what for.

"Yoongi?" Hoseok questioned which had the shorter male look up at him with his red puffy eyes which Hoseok still found astonishingly beautiful. "Do you want to tell me what happened? Why are you crying?"

Yoongi let out a shaky breath as he opened his mouth to speak to which only another broken sob left his lips. After attempting to compose himself a little he managed to stutter out a quick response. "M-m-my d-da-d".

That was enough for Hoseok he didn't need to hear anymore from the male. Whatever his son of a bitch father done had clearly upset the boy to the point he was a mess. Yoongi looked back at Hoseok who had an expression on his face that Yoongi couldn't quite pin point. It was a mix of rage and concern.

Yoongi slowly edged closer to Hoseok slowly wrapping himself back around the younger this time not just to calm himself.


It had been a couple hours since Yoongi had unexpectedly turned up as Hoseok place, the male now sleeping soundly in the next room after Hoseok insisting he get some rest and offering him his bedroom to sleep in.

Hoseok was standing in the kitchen his phone placed upright on the counter as he facetimed with his friends.

"What do you mean you can't make it? Hoseok you never miss milkshake Monday" Jimin whined through the phone. He was sat in a booth with all his friends at the local milkshake parlour. Hoseok had called Jimin to tell him he wouldn't be able to make it he didn't want to leave Yoongi alone right now.

"I'm sorry chim but something came up."

A face popped onto the screen beside Jimin "Come on hyung its tradition" Jungkook pouted.

"I'm sorry guys but I can't come. This is important."

"What is this important thing anyway?" Jin said as Jimin pointed the camera at the rest of the group so he could see everyone.

"I can't tell you hyung, I'm just helping out a friend that's all."

"Hoseok, I don't know if you've noticed but all of your friends are sat at this table." Tae spoke up after wiping his milk moustache from his top lip.

"Hey! I have other friends!"

"Sure, name one." Jimin responded.

Before Hoseok could reply he heard his bedroom door click open and turned his head to the side facing the open plan kitchen living space to see Yoongi walking around the corner his hair messy and his face out in the open, no mask. Hoseok becoming transfixed on the sight in front of him. Completely forgetting he was ever on the phone.

The five guys on the other end of the phone noticed Hoseok's distracted look as he looked off screen. Jimin cleared his throat which had Hoseok snapping his head away from Yoongi and back to his phone screen where his five friends were all looking at him smirking.

"What were you staring at Hobi hyung" Jungkook said with a smirk.

The noise from the phone pricked up Yoongi's ears as he brought his head up towards the sound. Now looking over at Hoseok seeing him talking to who he assumes are his friends.

Yoongi didn't know where his sudden bravery came. "H-Hoseok?" Yoongi uttered from the kitchen doorway. Hoseok snapping his head around to face Yoongi as well as causing the five boys on the other end of the phone to audibly gasp.


Im so sorry this updaate took so long, I was busy with college, trying to finish up my projects to hand in for final assesement. But now I'm offically finshed with college and am no longer classed as a student meaning I'll have much more time to write now as the only thing I have to do is go to work twice a week. 

I'm actaully working on my next book, its only going to be a short story with a couple chapters but i'm quite excited for it. I'm planning to realeaseit all in one go or half and half. I've not decided yet. But if you'd like any information about it leave a comment and I'll try answer any questions.

Anyway! Thanks for reading Bye!


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