Chapter Twelve

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Since Hoseok and Yoongi's conversation and their agreement to meet up they hadn't really spoke of the subject since. It didn't really come up. They continued as normal, talking on the phone phone whenever they could.

But just because they weren't talking about it didn't mean it wasn't on their mind.

While Hoseok was overjoyed at the idea of finally seeing the boy he'd bumped into that day on the street. Yoongi thoughts although sharing some similarities to Hoseok's. His thoughts were a bit more hectic.

This wasn't a normal situation for him. This was a huge deal and he had alot to consider. By agreeing to meet Hoseok he had basically guaranteed himself abuse from his father and he wasn't sure which kind anymore.

Not only was there that. He risked exposing himself there were people everywhere always waiting for him to slip up. They were waiting for that long overdue scandal.

How would he even get out the house? It was like a fortress and not to keep people put but to keep him in. It was going to serve difficult.

But above all these thoughts the main thing that remained lingering in the back of his mind wasn't how he'd get out, possibly exposing himself, his father abuse. It was how was he going to explain his mask to Hoseok if he asked. He couldn't exactly tell him.

He had to keep that secret, he didn't want Hoseok to pity him after hearing about his father and how he treated him and he definitely couldn't go waving his obvious insecurities around. Hoseok would run for the hills.


Yoongi was currently in his usual spot laying in his room , it wasn't late it was actually still pretty early in the day. His room wasn't small , his father had some kind of heart in his chest knowing that Yoongi would have nothing else to do but spend all his time in his room so he had given him a rather large room.

Yoongi was quite grateful for that, he probably would have gone mad if he had been stuck in a small box all day everyday on his own. He was still on his own but be atleast had room to breathe.

His room was at the back or the house at the opposite end of the hallway from his father's. He probably thought the reason was that his father 'didn't want to be any closer than he had to be' and to be honest Yoongi didn't care.

He thought it would be useful when he did attempt to meet with Hoseok. He didn't want his father to hear him after all.

He'd need a plan , a well put together one if he stood any chance of sneaking out.

But he wasn't going to give up he wanted nothing more than to meet Hoseok again.


Hoseok Pov


Ever since Yoongi said ok to us meeting in person, the topic hadn't been revisted. It made me wonder if he really meant it. Maybe he just paniced and agreed without thinking.

"Urgh why, are you so complicated Min Yoongi" Hoseok uttered falling back onto his bed. 

It was only 2pm and he was quite tired. He and Yoongi mainly spoke at night, late and night till early morning. 

I knew it was too early to go to sleep but my sleep shedule has been shocking recently. I haven't even posted on Instagram in over 2 weeks which i very unlike me. My follwers must think im dead. 

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