Chapter Seventeen

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Right so this is new... an author note at the beginning of the chapter not at the end... This chapter may get a little sad and might be slightly distressing to some readers. Also make sure you pay attention a lot that is said is important to understanding why Yoongi is how he is. So read slowly! This chapter may also include some flashbacks and will be written in italics so look out for those. And to make it easier in long conversations I'll be putting Hoseok's lines in bold.

Now that's over let get to the story...



Without Hoseok noticing Yoongi had closed the distance between them on the couch and now had his head resting on Hoseok's shoulder. Hoseok was slightly surprised but sat back wrapping is arm around Yoongi as if telling him 'its ok I'm here you can tell me.'

It's almost as if Yoongi heard Hoseok's silent comforting words as he took a deep breath and opened his mouth.

"I'm not exactly sure where to start..."


Hoseok looked down at the boy whose head was rested on his shoulder while he had he arm tightly wrapped around him. A smile washed over his face he loved how close he was how comfortable he looked in his arms despite the hate and mask that blocked his vision.

"Why don't we start with something small. like why you wanted to meet so quickly?"

Yoongi nodded. before speaking a bit louder than a whisper. "I-i was afraid".

"Why were you afraid?" Yoongi slightly tensed up, he wanted to tell Hoseok he really did he really felt he could trust him, but he was about to revel stuff he had never told anyone before. Hoseok clearly noticed how Yoongi stiffened as he tightened his grip around his waist pulling him closer.

"It's ok it you don't want to tell me; I'll understand. But remember whatever it is you can tell me."

"The picture, the one you sent me. I'm afraid my father is going to see it" He took a deep breath. "He doesn't let me speak or interact with anyone other than him and even then, he doesn't really like it. He has rules that I have to follow and if I don't things don't go well."

Hoseok was taken aback he could tell this wasn't even the tip of the iceberg. But this alone made annoyed. He wondered what else was going on in Yoongi's life.

"Rules? What do you mean things don't go well?"

With a shaky breath Yoongi started to explain.

─── Flashback (21 years ago Yoongi was 3)───

It wasn't a particularly special day, but it was one Yoongi was sure to remember for the rest of his life, he was sat in the living room on his father's house in front of the tv playing with his stuffed animals. Clutching at his favourite toy it was a stuffed dog, a poodle, Yoongi had named it Min Holly he loved and treated this teddy like it was a real dog always walking it around the house with a piece of string tied around the stuffed toys neck.

It was before Yoongi wore the mask and hats that covered his face. He was a happy 3-year-old who spent most the day running around the house playing with his toys, his father wasn't ever really involved in his life meaning he was always around the house, but he was distant with his son never really interacting or playing with him he would rather spend his time in his office working. Yoongi never really understood this he wanted someone to play with.

So, on that day Yoongi crawled up the stairs pulling himself up to his feel when he reached the top and walked down the hallway to his father's office, dragging Min holly behind him on a piece of string. When he reached the door, he pushed it open and stumbled into the room where his father was sat at his desk.

He wabbled over to his father's side and tugged at the hem of his jacket. "dada? Can wo pway with me?" Mr Min looked down at the small boy with an annoyed expression and slapped the boy's hand away from his jacket.

"Don't call ever me that, go away brat" Mr Min spat at the 3-year-old. Tears welled up in the boys' eyes as he left the office bringing Holly up to his chest and squeezing the toy tight. That was the day Rule one came into existence. When his father came to his room later that day annoyance written all over his face.

1. You are not to address me, unless spoken to.

But after that day everything continued as usual for Yoongi despite him now seeing his father less and never approaching him for anything.

───Yoongi is now 5───

Yoongi had grown up a lot since rule one he still never spoke to his father unless he was spoken to. The rule was then later expanded on a few months after rule one adding rule 2 to the list.

2. You don't interact with anyone in or outside this house without my say so.

This one didn't affect Yoongi much he didn't leave the house anyway; he was always inside playing with his toys. Yoongi still had Min Holly it went everywhere with him.

On Yoongi's 5th birthday he woke up to his father storming into his room demanding him to be in his office in exactly 10 minutes.

Getting up Yoongi got dressed, for a five-year-old he was pretty independent he had to learn these things since he had no mother, and his father wasn't exactly the warmest. He took hold of Holly from his bed and sauntered into his father's office.

Mr Min was sat at his desk looking over some files when Yoongi entered. He put down the files and stood up walking over to the boy. Mr Min never made an effort to look at his son directly. Yoongi didn't know why.

Mr Min went over to a cupboard and pulled out a box before handing it to the boy. Yoongi opened the box to see a hat and a mask. Confused he looked up at his father to which his father responds still not looking over to the 5-year-old.

"Put it on and leave it on. I'm sick of looking at your face."

Thus Rule 3 was made.

3. Your face must be covered at all times, inside and outside.

The only exceptions where when he was in the bathroom, eating or drinking even then the mask must be pulled up straight after.

Still despite these rules Yoongi was still a happy boy always finding ways to entertain himself. The mask took a bit of getting used to, but it didn't stop him from playing and smiling all day. 


ye origianlly this chapter was over 3000 words so I decided to split it into 2 chapters hope you don't mind. The story contines in the next chapter! See you there!

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