Chapter Forty-One

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Before we start, I'd like to thank all you readers for the support we reached 30 followers the other day and I'm glad that you guys are enjoying my books enough to want to read more. I'm going to try and interact with you guys more as I feel I don't do that enough, so I'll leave a section at the end of the chapter for any questions of stuff you wanna say.

Furthermore! Scandalous reached 12k reads and I'm shocked to have gotten to this point and I couldn't have done it without you. So, I hope to keep making chapters and books that you enjoy reading.

Thanks, N.

Yoongi was in bed laying next to Hoseok like they had been doing for a while now, the younger was fast asleep next to him his shallow breaths being the only noise in the room. Yoongi however had yet to attempt to fall asleep he was sat with his back against the headboard with his phone in his hand. The screen illuminating his face. in white light.

Yoongi was busy scrolling through the news and social media, there were a couple small news stories which he skimmed through but the majority were all around the latest clothing line released by influencers Jung Hoseok and Park Jimin. The brand was taking not just Instagram by storm but most social media platforms trending all over twitter.

It had been very successful so far. They had made around 20,000 purchases in the first 12 hours since the release.

Yoongi was really pleased for Hoseok, the male had been working so hard and it was paying off tremendously well. But there was something that had Yoongi in the position he was right now, sat upright in bed as Hoseok slept.

One specific post took up most of his screentime. His...

He knew it wasn't particularly healthy to be reading through every single comment that was left beneath the picture of him. For every positive comment there seemed to be just as many negative ones and criticism is so much easier to listen to and take to heart than anything remotely positive.

Majority of the comments were all related to him, very few even noticing the outfit. The actual purpose of the image itself. But what did he expect, he was a new face to everyone. He hadn't appeared on Hoseok page before or anywhere for that matter. The other six were well known having taken part in shoots for Hoseok before or for just being in his posts in general.

Still, it wasn't helping reading all the negative things people had to say about him. The only good thing was no one had seemed to have any idea who he was which was quite a relief.

Reading over the comments he came across one which made his heart clench and small wells of tears form in the corners of his eyes.

'I love the outfit, but if I'm being honest the model kinda ruined it for me. What were they thinking hiring this guy? He isn't even attractive and the quality of his shot just isn't up to the same standard as the others. I hope he doesn't become a permanent thing cause I think I'd have to unfollow if he did.'

He looked pathetic, crying over a comment some unknown person had said about him. Sure, the comment on his looks hurt him, bad. But the worst was that his appearance on Hoseok's page was negatively effecting Hoseok's following. He hated himself for possibly negatively effecting Hoseok's career.

And come to think of it, hadn't that been what Yoongi had been doing all this time? Ruining stuff, distracting Hoseok from his work, effecting his career and on top of that being a plain right burden on the younger.

Essentially ruining his life. That seemed to be what he did he ruined his father's life after all, or so he was told. So, this was no different.

By this point Yoongi's sobs were audible and tears streamed down his face as he kept re-reading the comment his mind taking him to dark self-deprecating places.

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