Chapter Twenty- Six

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"I know this is really sudden but I-" Hoseok sighed.

"I-I really like you, and I wondered If you'd like to go on a date with me?" Hoseok asked while keeping his hand rested on Yoongi's chin waiting for Yoongi's response,

But what he wasn't expecting was to see Yoongi's face drop and his eyes fall to the floor.


Hoseok Pov:

My chest tightened looking at the expression of Yoongi's face. I started question what I had just done. Had I pushed him too much? Was it too soon? I was internally panicking.

Although I wouldn't admit it out loud it had stung slightly seeing how Yoongi reacted. I'd been rejected. Was going on a date with me that terrible?

Amongst all my panicking and regret I heard a small sob come from in front of me. I snaped my head upwards to see Yoongi still looking down at his lap, his shoulders shaking up and down and tears falling down his face. My heart stung for a different reason looking at Yoongi like this.

Pushing the embarrassment of being rejected aside I took a deep breath.

"Yoongi? What's the matter?" I managed to squeeze out.

Yoongi kept his head down bringing his knees up to his chest, burying his face in them. Still sobbing.

"I-I'm s-so so-rry Hos-seok." Yoongi spoke, his voice heavily muffled.

This only made my chest tightened more, I looked at Yoongi trying to work out what to do. I wasn't sure a hug was the best decision right now.

I gently lifted his head, my finger beneath his chin making him look at me. His face was red and puffy, his eyes bloodshot and awash with tears that's had fallen down his cheeks soaking them. The sight made my heart ache even more and my words get caught in my throat.

He looked at me like he was ashamed of what had just happened. Like he was searching for something to say.

I broke the silence, looking directly at him and lowering my head to see him better. My finger still resting under his chin.

"Why are you apologising, you did absolutely nothing wrong. I shouldn't have said anything."

Yoongi just looked at my blanky before tears started flying from his eyes as he started shaking his head and his eyebrows furrowed.

"N-no no. d-don't say t-that."

I furrowed my eyebrows looking at him as he tried to steady his breathing and wiping tears from his eyes with the back of his hands.

"H-Hoseok I'd l-love to go out with y-you" my eyes widened slightly and the heavy feeling in my chest lifted slightly.

"But I-I can't" He started crying again.

"I c-can't, I can't go out like a n-normal person."

"I c-cant, the press would be e-everywhere the m-moment they recognised m-me, I c-can't, I won't do that to you." Yoongi said wiping his eyes and sniffling. "T-There would be a scandal".

I looked at him in shock. Was that the reason he rejected me? because he was afraid the press would see him. Because he didn't want to put me in that situation?

I started to chuckle, which had him snapping his head up to me confusion painting his face.

"Yoongi, you're an idiot if you think I care about the press, hell I'm a freaking Instagram influencer. My life and my living comes from me posting and exposing my life with people. So, a few paparazzi, don't bother me in the slightest. So, what if they see us."

Before I had a chance to see Yoongi's face he threw himself at me wrapping his arms around my waist and burying his face into my chest. I was taken aback m face painted with shock which soon faded when I saw Yoongi wrapped around me slightly sobbing into my chest. I smiled warmly and started rubbing my hand up and down his back.

While comforting the boy around me and idea sprung into my head making me smile. "If you're that worried about the press, why not give them what they want?"

Yoongi head came up from my chest, his eyebrows furrowed. "What do you mean?"

"Well, they only care about you because you're a mystery to them. The follow you waiting for you to slip up."

"So why no beat them to it? Instead of them following you forever and reporting about you however they please. Why not just do it for them?"

"I don't understand."

I huffed looking down at Yoongi. "What I'm saying is, if you control how and when your face gets out, you'll be prepared for what happens. And once the one thing they had on you is revealed they will leave you alone."

Yoongi looked deep in thought a I assume processing everything I'd just said. He must have been silent for around 5-10 minutes before he looked at me.

"It not a bad idea- but I don't think I'm prepared for all that just yet."

I smiled at him "That's understandable, how about we take baby steps?"

"Baby steps?"

I hummed in response "ye, instead of the world how about you meet my friends first and start from there?"

Yoongi slightly shifted on the couch looking uncomfortable. "I don't know."

"They're really nice people, I promise they won't care who you are. They might be a bit shocked at first, anyone would be, but I'm sure they'll love you."

Yoongi looked at me one more time his eyes narrowing slightly as he took in my words before he looked away and slowly nodded. "Ok I trust you. I'll meet them."


Ok so I know this chapter is a bit shorter than normal, but I wanted to stop here. It felt like a good spot to stop. Also I apologise for how random and irregular my publishing schedule is. I'm trying I swear. But anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one.


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