Chapter Two

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"Thank you, Hyung," I said pulling out my phone and sitting down at the counter as Jin placed a plate of warmed-up leftovers in front of me. I smiled back at Jin then turned my attention back to the food shoveling the food into my mouth while I flicked through my instagram feed.  Something which had become a very frequent thing for me. 

I was mindlessly scrolling down my feed my eyes quickly scanning the mass of posts liking the few I found interesting. 

My thumb stopped scrolling for a second while I took another bite of the food off the plate. After I put my fork back down I looked back at my phone, the post which was displayed on my screen caught my interest. 

It wasn't anything special just a picture of a man dressed in a long jacket, the thing that peaked my intrest though wasnt the shirt or the jacket he was wearing, although they were very conservative, it was the mask and the hat he wore low down his face covering 90% of his face. Scrolled down noticing the caption. "CEO of Min Corporation and his mysterious son seen returing from America at the airport". 

Intrigued the post I found myself scanning over the heaps of comments under the post

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Intrigued the post I found myself scanning over the heaps of comments under the post. 

"Seriously, the guy must be really ugly under that mask, ive never seen him without it."

"Shame, such a waste of a rich bachelour. What a freak!"

"What's with this guy, just take off the mask,"

"What could the pampered princess of Min corporation have to hide, I'd kill to have his life."

The comments were endless, some were genrally intrested in the guy, others just there to pick faults with him. I wasnt sure what to think. Sure I'd heard of the Min family and their son but I never really paid much attention. I mean why would I, I didn't typically care for stupid rumours and celebrity drama very much I was all too petty for my liking. 

Why did everyone care so much about him? Guess people are just waiting for some gossip or something to occupy their boring lives. It's always the same. 

I rolled my eyes at the post before I continued scrolling feeling quite annoyed at all the toxic people there were in the world, I decided to put my phone down and put it back in my pocket. Although, I couldn't help seem to help myself from wondering what the guy behind the mask looked like but most importantly I wanted to know his story. 




After finishing my food and helping Jin and Namjoon with their 'problem'. Honestly, I don't want to talk about it. They're honestly such children. I'm not some love whisperer who can just turn up and fix something at the snap of my fingers. Sometimes being the person all your friends come to when they have the slightest probelm they need to vent about can be tiring. I'm not even sure why they all chose me in the first place. 

I was walking back down the street to my apartment building, it was starting to get a little dark outside, it was now 5pm but I wasnt too far from home now so it didn't bother me too much although it was getting a little cold. 

I looked up from the pavement for a second to see a small group of girls, I would say they were in their late teens early twenties. They were whispering to eachother occassionaly sneaking a few looks over their shoulder to look at me. 

I stopped dead when one of the girls broke off for the group and was now standing right infront of me. Looking up at me. 

"Excuse me are you by an chance J-hope?" Which was my instagram handle, my friends often liked to call me the hope of the group and well it just stuck I guess. 

A little confused, my eyes widen. I nodded breathing out a small "y-Yes". This was strange for me, I'd been recognised before from my instagram page but it happned so rarely I still got slighly shocked when it happened. My page wasn't that big, I only had about two million follwers.

My attention turned back to the girl standing in front of me I saw her wide smile as she turned around to gesture something to her friends. I assumed it was to confirm to them that I was J-hope. 

Soon I was surrounded by the 5 girls jumping up and down their phones in their hands. 

One of the girls started to speak "Can we take a photo with you?" 

"We love your page, your fashion sense is incredible and your dance moves are amazing!" a couple of the girls said excitedly.

Still slightly star struck I nodded to them. A smile forming on my face as I bent down, I was quite a bit taller than they were, fitting my face in the frame of the camera one of the girls was holding. 

Once they got their picture and asked me a few more questions about my next post and some fashion tips, then they all left and I contined to walk back down the street to my apartment. 


There we go another chapter down, I promise we will get to the good stuff soon, I just trying to build a foundation to build up from.  Hopefully, you're enjoying the story I'm still quite nervous about it as its my first time but I'm trying.  Maybe I'll see you in the next chapter!

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