Chapter Eleven

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Hoseok and Yoongi had now been talking more regularly over the past three weeks. talking whenever Yoongi could make sure his father wouldn't catch him, he knew he'd be in a world of trouble if he was caught talking on the phone to someone. Obviously Hoseok had wanst aware of Yoongi's situation he just though he had a busy life and could only call late at night or early in the morning. 

Over those three weeks the two had gotten to know eachother pretty well. Hoseok however felt like Yoongi knew him better that he knew Yoongi. Whever certain topics came up he would go quiet or make a quick remark to change the subject. 

Hoseok also couldn't deny he enjoyed speaking to Yoongi, it was diffrent to when he was talking to him compared to his other friends. But he just brushed it off thinking it was becaise they hadn't really met properly and Hoseok didn't even know what Yoongi looked like.

He definely wanted to know though. 

He was beyond curious he often found himself online scrolling through posts and news ariticles about Yoongi. He was always covering his face and wearing conservative clothes. One things for sure he never let what was under the mask slip. 

The only things people knew about him were based on assumtions and rumours revolving around his fathers reputation and his peculiar apperance. Yoongi was a mystery to the world and the fact that Hoseok knew more about Yoongi that most others gave him a fuzzy feeling inside. 

But the main thing playing on his mind over everything else was the thought of seeing Yoongi in person again. 


Hoseok and Yoongi were sat in their homes, it was 2am and they were on the phone talking to eachother. Yoongi being careful not to wake his father up and was talking in a hushed tone like always.

"Oh come on that not fair!" Hoseok blurted out pouting behind the phone knowing full well Yoongi could see him but he still found himself reacting to him as if he could. 

"What do you mean its not fair. I won fair and square." Yoongi and Hoseok sometimes occupied themselves with games they were slighlt limited by the boudries of a phone call but still had fun. 

"You cheated! I want a rematch." Hoseok his lips still pressed into a pout. 

"Hobi, this is the 3rd time you've said that. Just face it you suck at this." Yooing said ending with a small half formed laugh his smile wide reciving a small whine from Hoseok

It was moments like these the two boys were glad they couldn't see eachother. The flushed pink covering both their faces would have been awakard otherwise. 

"Fine. But I'll get you next time."

"I'll believe it when I see it Hobi." Yoongi spoke.

It was probably nothing but Hoseok was taken aback by Yoongis words, had Yoongi meant see him as in see him see him? Probably not. They'd been talking for weeks and not once had the subject of seeing eachother in person come up. While being wrapped in his thoughts he hadn't noticed he'd fell silent. Before he realised what he said it had already left his lips. 

"Hey Yoongi? Would you maybe wanna- " "I don't know meet up at some point, we've been talking for weeks now it would be nice to see you again" Hoseok mumbled in a questioning but hopeful tone. 

On the other end of the phone Yoongi's eyes had gone wide he definelty wansn't expecting this from Hoseok. 

"I- I" Yoongi was a loss for words.

 He really did want to see Hoseok face again and not just from pictures on Instagram.  But there was no way he could sneak out and even if he could he did'nt excatly blend in with his covered face. Everyone knew who he was, I mean who else wore a make rain or shine, cold or hot, summer or winter. 

He wanted to see Hoseok but it was a risk. There were eyes everywhere what if he got caughts and his father found out? He'd be screwed. How would he even go about sneaking out? 

But there was a voice in his head, something that made the chance of seeing Hoseok in person again irrasistable. 'fuck it' was the last thing to pass throgh his head before his moth opened speaking words which would definely cause his life to get 1000% more complicated. 



ohhh... were getting there people!! Are you excited!? I am and I'm writing this story. 

Ive also come to the conclusion I am in facct writing these notes to myself which is slightly awkward. Hi me! 

Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter and it wasnt too short and the writing was alright. Let me know if you like it! 

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