Chapter Seven

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It was currently around 6pm, Hoseok hadn't been out he just spent the day at home. That was one of the perks of his instagram page, he had free rein when it came to his schedule. 

After lounging around all day he started to feel a little dirty, and decided to take a quick shower before getting changed and heading to bed, he felt like having an early night. 

After walking into the bathroom, he took a quick glimpse at his phone before resting it on the counter top next to the sink and proceded to get in the shower. 

When he had finished, around 20 minutes later he wrapped himself in a town and walked back into his room. Picking out a simple black tshirt and some sweats (I americanised it for you guys my british ass was bouta write 'joggers') and putting them on. Running his fingers through his still wet hair he threw back the bedsheets and climbed into bed. 

Just as he was about to turn the light off and go to sleep. He heard his phone vibrate on the bedside table next to him. 

Reaching over he grapped his phone then fell down on his back, head resting on his pillow and hands in the air holding up his phone. Then proceded check his notifications. It was a message request on instagram, this wanst completley foriegn to him, he received atleast 1 or 2 a day. 

He was about to close his phone but something he hadn't noticed before caught his attention. The account the message came from had no profile picture, and after closer examination had no bio and no followers either. They were like a ghost, invisable. But the thing that lead him to open the message was the username 'y_min'.

He sat up looking down at his phone. Thoughts were piling up in his head. but the largest of them " There's no way its him right?" 




It was 6pm, I'd spent the last hour trying to wrap my head around what happened today. I was used to the verbal abuse my father threw at me but never despite how much my father hated me, never had I expected him to hit me. I was more taken aback by the notion than the actual pain, it hadn't really hurt me physically. 

It made me look back, I've always wondered why my father hates me so much, why he insists I live my life the way I do. He has treated me this way as far back as I remember. Was it something I did or was it just the simple case that he hated me from birth. 

I would do anything to escape this life, I don't care if I'm the son of the infamous Min familiy who are richer than anyone could imagine. I dont care. All this thinking about escape got me thinking about when I was 17 when I made an unsuccessful attempt to escape this life. As I never went to public schools i was always homeschooled I didnt meet many people.

But at 17 I had been assinged a new teacher when my last one retired. He taught me more than just my acedemic subjects. He because someone important to me. I was already confident that I was gay way before I met him, which is something I would never let my father know. 

The man who was hired to be my teacher, became the person I trusted enough to share myself with. He allowed me to explore who I was with him. I learent things about myself I didn't know I liked. 

But it was too good to be true, I had thought he would be my escape from this life I was given. But he too became controlling like my father, and then he left. 

Ever since I've been trapped in the house alone with just my father constant mockery and verbal abuse. 

People never gave me a second look, they saw my mask and covered face, and only saw the freak of the Min family never bothering to look closer. 

With a big sigh, I sunk down into my bed reached over for my phone, when I unlocked it the screen was just as I left it, suddenly I wasnt to caught up in my anxiety's and missfortune. 

I was again looking back on that day, the day someone actually looked beneath my covered face. The day I had that brief encounter with a man with a wide smile, light brown hair and immacualte fashion sense. And her he was staring at me through the screen of my phone.

I don't know what came over me, I didn't even know the guy. I'd met him once for a few minutes and if my father ever found out about this I'd be in for a world of trouble. Even I wasn't sure what came over me in those few seconds. 

I clicked on his profiles once again but this time rather than scolling through his posts like a ghost, I strug together a few sentances and pressed send. I messaged him.

When I pushed sent, I felt a wave of relief, but that was soon over showered by panic

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When I pushed sent, I felt a wave of relief, but that was soon over showered by panic. Why did I do that. If anyone find sout I'm dead meat. I don't I even know this guy and here I am breaking one of my fathers biggest rules to reach out to him. 

I was about to take it back and unsend my message when I felt my phone vibrate in my hands and a message popped up on my screen just below mine. 


Ok so I know its slow rolling so far but we will get to the good stuff soon. I'm mainly here hoping that my writing isnt too atrosious and its enjoyable. But anyway next update should be soon. Thanks for reading! Hope to see you in the next chapter!

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