Chapter Fifty-Five

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The early-morning sun from the window shone down on Yoongi's sleeping face. He groaned shifting slightly the brightness of the room pulling him from his sleep. He shuffled around nuzzling further into Hoseok's chest. Only it felt different from normal.

Begrudgingly his eyes fluttered open. His eyes flitted looking at his surroundings. A deep blush set on his face when he noticed he was laying on Hoseok's exposed chest. His thoughts were immediately thrown to the events of last night making his blush even brighter.

Don't get it wrong, last night was amazing and he thoroughly enjoyed it, Hoseok was so different from his ex, he could tell Hoseok was focused on him rather than himself. But as much as he enjoyed las night. Yoongi thought he much preferred just being cuddled up next to his boyfriend, being held in his arms and sharing kisses every so often.

He didn't need sex if it meant he got cuddles and kisses instead.

Yoongi looked over Hoseok's exposed chest, gently lifting his head to get a better view. Going to sit up, Yoongi hissed feeling the pain in his lower half. It wasn't bad but it wasn't pleasant. Sitting up Yoongi's eyes went wide noticing he was still naked.

His head quickly turned looking over at Hoseok before biting his lip nervously. He needed to get up and put some clothes on before Hoseok woke up, he couldn't see him like this.

Before he got up, his face flushed slightly, if he was naked, did that mean Hoseok was too? He bit down on his lower lip before gently lifting the cover slightly. He quickly dropped, blushing beet red. Hoseok was naked.

He quickly shook the thought from his mind before he got distracted and started to shuffle out of Hoseok's arms, quickly checking he hadn't woken up yet.

Reaching the edge of the bed, still covered by the duvet Yoongi searched the floor for his clothes he was wearing yesterday. He huffed not spotting them nearby, that meant he would have to walk over to the closet naked as all his bags were still in the hallway in bags. Hoseok could wake up at any moment and see him.

Seeing no better option, he rolled over sitting up fully and placing his feet on the floor and standing up. He quickly rushed over to the closet looking for something to wear, his back facing Hoseok.

All the movement had woken Hoseok up, he sleepily rubbed his eyes before opening them. He frowned when he noticed Yoongi wasn't next to him. He sat up looking for his boyfriend, his eyes widening when he spotted him back turned searching through the closet, naked... as much as he tried, he couldn't seem to look away, he just looked so gorgeous. He had no idea why he was so worried about him seeing him because to Hoseok Yoongi was the most beautiful person in the world.

He quietly stood up, not caring he was naked. He walked over to Yoongi standing behind him before he leant down wrapping his arms around his waist and resting his chin on his shoulder.

Yoongi shrieked, almost jumping out of his skin. His body froze when he realised what was happening. He started to panic. Hoseok had seen him, this was it, he probably thought he was disgusting. His body started to tremble and tears welled up in his eyes a broken sob coming from his lips.

Hoseok noticed the change in Yoongi and quickly stood up turning the male around in his arms so he was facing him. His eyes softening at the look on Yoongi's face. "Marshmallow, what's wrong?" Hoseok asked worried.

Yoongi sniffled looking up nervously at Hoseok. "D-do you think I'm disgusting?". Hoseok's eyebrows furrowed downwards his eyes showing a look of confusion. "Why on earth would you think that?" Hoseok said taking hold of Yoongi's face, gently wiping his tears.

"Yoongi, I want you to listen very carefully to me, ok?" Hoseok stated looking directly into Yoongi's watery eyes. Yoongi nodded subtly.

"You, Min Yoongi, are the most stunning person I have ever seen, every time I look at you, I can't believe how lucky I am to have such a gorgeous boyfriend. Who isn't just beautiful on the outside but on the inside to. You're breath-taking, and in my eyes, you don't have a single flaw. I love you so much and it kills me to know how you think of yourself."

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