Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Yoongi looked at me one more time his eyes narrowing slightly as he took in my words before he looked away and slowly nodded. "Ok I trust you. I'll meet them."


Yoongi was sat on the couch watching some random game show that was on the tv, the occasional soft chuckle escaping his lips. Hoseok was sat beside him watching with a smile at how carefree the elder looked. It was a nice contrast from the past couple days, Yoongi had been staying with Hoseok for around a week now after he walked out on his father.

Hoseok didn't mind one bit, he enjoyed the company. Yoongi's company. They had spent all their time inside due to Yoongi being too afraid to go outside despite Hoseok's reassurance. However, Hoseok was determined to get Yoongi out of his shell and out the apartment.

"Yoongi?" Hoseok said getting the males attention as he peeled his eyes from the tv screen to look at him smiling.

Hoseok didn't want to say what he was about to in fear of Yoongi loosing that beautiful gummy smile that had him swooning and his chest tightening.

"What is it Hoseok?" Yoongi spoke noticing the youngers hesitation.

Hoseok flashed Yoongi a soft smile before talking.

"I was thinking. We haven't left the apartment in a week; don't you think we should get some fresh air? Maybe you and I can go see my friends today?"

Yoongi's smile slowly faded from his face which pained Hoseok, he loved seeing Yoongi so happy and to see his beautiful smile fade was crushing, especially since it was due to something he'd said.

Yoongi looked back to the tv then down at his hands biting his bottom lip nervously. Hoseok just watched the male not wanting to push him too much.

Yoongi started softly nodding and lifted his head to look at Hoseok. "O-ok"

Hoseok smiled widely at the elder before pulling him into a bone crushing hug. "You'll love them I promise.

Yoongi smiled before nuzzling himself into Hoseok melting into his embrace. 


Yoongi was sat on the couch ,while I was in the kitchen calling my friends to arrange a time to meet up with them and to quickly brief them so Yoongi wouldn't be too overwhelmed by them.

I decided to facetime them all as it's easier than calling and texting all of them individually and I hadn't seen them much recently so I wanted to see them. I started the call waiting for them to answer.

One by one they answered filling my screen with the faces of my friends. 

"So why have you summoned us all Hyung?" Namjoon started the conversation

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"So why have you summoned us all Hyung?" Namjoon started the conversation.

"Ye is this like a 'Bangtan Assemble' situation?" Jungkook added. (A/N - Sorry I had too).

"No, I just have something to ask you guys".

"If this is about you missing two milkshake Mondays in a row then go ahead." Jimin piped up.

"It's related to that ye. But I need you all to listen before you say anything."

I watched them all nod before continuing what I was going to say.

"So, I met this guy a few weeks ago." I started.

"Ohhh does Hoseokie have a boyfriend?" Jin butted in before I could continue. which had the other guys throwing questions at me stopping me from talking.

"Will you guys shut up!" I yelled, silencing them all instantly. Well almost all of them.

"Damn we woke the beast." Tae said before I shot him an angry look and he too kept quiet.

"Good now you're all quiet I'll continue."

"So, I met this guy. The guy I was texting. He is urm... let's just say different from us."

"What do you mean?" Jimin spoke.

"Before you guys freak out and I tell you I want you to understand something."

They all nodded.

"He is really shy and nervous; he hasn't had the best life. Please don't judge him before you know him like I do." They all nodded again.

"His name is Min Yoongi..." I braced myself for the questions but was surprised when they all just looked at me confused.

"Am I the only one who doesn't get it?" Jin asked.

I huffed when they all agreed.

"Think. His name is MIN Yoongi."

I watched as their eyes widened and they slowly caught on."

"Oh man holy shit!?" was heard from Jungkook before they all started freaking out.

"Do you mean Min as in Min Corporation? The mysterious min guy?" Joon asked seeming to be the only one asking reasonable questions.

I just nodded.

"So, what's he like?" Jimin asked.

I blushed slightly before responding.

"Beautiful in every way."

Jimin chuckled before Tae spoke up.

"Wait- does that mean you've see his face, like without the mask?"

"Yes, I have, but he is really shy and uncomfortable showing his face to people. Which brings me to my next question."

"I've been trying to help him out of his shell. I suggested a few things but we agreed to start slow. I want to introduce him to you guys. Are you free to come over later?

"To your place?" Jin asked.

"Ye he is kinda living with me, he kinda ran away from home."

They all seemed shocked by the statement but decided not to push any further on the matter and kept quiet which I was thankful for I didn't want to share anything about Yoongi I wasn't sure he was comfortable with.

They all ended up agreeing to come over around 3 in the afternoon to meet Yoongi.

"Also, guys please be gentle with him, he is already nervous about this and I don't want him to freak out. Just treat him the same as anyone else. And don't mention the mask, he will take it off when he's ready."

They all agreed and we hung up so I could get ready for later and let Yoongi know the plans and give him some time to prepare himself. 


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