Chapter Sixteen

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"Would it be too forward if I said It was beause I wanted a hug?"

Hoseok's eyes widened with surprise. Yoongi wanted a hug? From me!? was all Hoseok was thinking. He was beyong surprised about Yoongi's comment. 

Yoongi was still looking up at Hoseok from the bench beside him observing Hoseok shocked expression. He started to feel a little uneasy and stupid for asking something like that. Yoongi pulled his gaze back down to his hands that still rested in his lap and bit his lip nervously under his mask.

He let out a long breath before mumbling back to Hoseok "Sorry that was a stupid thing to ask... forget it". His discomfort was evident in his tone. 

Yoongi's voice brought Hoseok out of his shocked state and he fixed his gaze back onto Yoongi. His eyes softened at the sight. He quickly scooted across the bech towards Yoongi who hadn't noticed the distance between them getting smaller until he felt a pair of arms wrap around his sholders and waist pulling him into a tight embrace. 

"Don't say that, you're not stupid. We all need a hug sometimes." Hoseok said lightly into Yoongi's ear, his head was rested on the crook of Hoseok's neck. Without a second though Yoongi wrapped his arms gently around Hoseok's torso sinking into the tight hug. 

They both sat there in silence arms wrapped around eachother, neither of them could have told you how long they were in that position but neither wanted to let go they felt content in each others arms. Hoseok didn't know when he started doing it but he found himslef rubbing is hand up and down Yoongi's back in a comforting manner. 

At this point Yoongi's eyes were closed as he basked in a feeling he hadn't really ever experienced. He flet cared for. So much so his eyes started to prick with tears he wasn't sure why he was crying but the tears started falling from his eyes and seeping into the fabric of his mask. He was overwheled with emotions and flet his body start to convulse as he sobs into Hoseok's chest. 

Hoseok noticed the change in Yoongi's state and just hugged him tighter, he felt like he needed to be there for Yoongi, he wanted to comort and be there for him. When Yoongi started to calm down Hoseok loosened his embrace and pulled Yoongi up to look at him, his finger under Yoongi's chin as he looked at his red swollen eyes. 

With a soft voice Hoseok looked in Yoongi's eyes and spoke "Why don't we go somewhere less exposed and you can tell me why you needed a hug so bad hmm." 

Yoongo nodded slightly, he wasn't sure what pursuaded him to agree, maybe it was the cold or that he reallt didn't feel like going home. But i reality he knew it was Hoseok, it was strange he had only just met him properly and here he was sneaking out of his house ,hugging him on a park bench and now agreeing to open up to him about why he's so upset.

He wasn't sure why but something in him toldhim he could trust Hoseok and it would do him good to let everything out for the first time, to tell someone. 

Hoseok stood up first and stood infront of Yoongi who was still sat looking up at him. Hoseok raised his arm and opened his hand gesturing for Yoongi to take it. Yoongi tentitivly took his hand which caused Hoseok to pull Yoongi up off the bench. As Yoongi was about to release his grip on Hoseok's hand he felt Hoseok's fingers interlock themselves with his. 

He quickly looked up to Hoseok who was focused on where they were walking and didn't seem phased by their interlocked hands. Yoongi looked back down at the ground and pulled his hat down a little to cover his eyes as a small smirk crept onto Yoongi's lips. Yoongi was for once thankful he wore this mask as it hit the light pink blush that had spread across his face and the smirk plastered on his face. 


Hoseok decided to take Yoongi back to his apartment, it wasn't his first choice but he figured if they went anywhere else there was always going to be a slight chance of the press and paprazzi being around. So he brought his here, his place wasn't as fancy as what Hoseok thought Yoongi was probably used to but it was a nice place it has a great veiw of the city, it wasn't massive mut it was big enough for Hoseok and it was furnished nicely. 

Hoseok opened his door and lead Yoongi inside taking his shoes off. He didn;t really have many guests so he only had one pair of slippers which he offered to Yoongi he was quite happy to go in socks.

Still in a comfortable silence Hoseok genstured for Yoongi to take a sat on the couch in the centre of the room. Which he did, sitting on the edge by the arm rest. 

"Would you like a drink?" Yoongi looked up and shook his head "I'm ok thanks."

Hoseok sat down next to Yoongi keeping a respectable distnace despite the fact they were hugging less than half an hour ago. He wanted to keep within Yoongi's boundires and not overcrowd him. 

Yoongi was busy taking in his surroundings. He liked Hoseok's place it felt homely and comfortable it wasn't as cold and cinical as his fathers house. It had alot more colour to it which gave it a warm and comforting atmosphere. Just like Hoseok. 

Turing his head back to face Hoseok, Yoongi saw Hoseok was already looking at him as their eyes met. 

"So do you want to tell me what's going on? Or do you want to sit here for a little longer first? Hoseok finally spoke breaking the silence that had again fallen over them. 

"Do you mind if we sat here for a few minutes, I'm not quite sure I'm quite ready yet" Hoseok gently nodded in response. He didn't want to push Yoongi but he could clearly see something was bothering him. Just from the short time they'd been together Hoseok could already tell, he noticed he always played with his fingers and looked down to his lap when he was nervous. 

Without Hoseok noticing Yoongi had closed the disctance between them on the couch and now had his head resting on Hoseok's shoulder. Hoseok was slightly surpised but sat back wrapping is arm around Yoongi as if telling him 'its ok I'm here you can tell me.'

Its almost as if Yoongi heard Hoseok's silent comforting words as he took a deep breath and opened his mouth. 

"I'm not exactly sure where to start..."


awe arent they cute! Prepare for some sad stuff next chapter, youll get an insight into Yoongi's life and his childhood. I'll add trigger warnings where necessary. Hopfully it'll be out not long after this one. 

I do hope you're enjoying the story its slow rolling but were getting places now. Bare with me the good times are coming. 

See you next chapter! Bye <3

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