Chapter Fifteen

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My palms were clammy and my leg wouldn't stop bouncing up and down on the bench I was sat on. Yoongi had asked to meet me in a small park that wasn't very busy during the late evening. I assumed it was because he didn't want the press snooping around. 

The area of the park I was sat in was lightly lit by a few steet lamps and there were little to no people around. I'd been sat here for a few minutes waiting for Yoongi to get here. I was hoping I'd spot him straight away. He'd most likey be dressed in a dark outfit and his face would be almost completley covered. He wasn't exactly going to be hard to miss. 

I was beyond nervous to actully see him again, satnding in front of me. It's something I'd imagined a little too much over the last couple weeks. Alongside what he looked like under his mask. Not that I cared much about that, from what I'd peiced together Yoongi was amzing with or without having seen his face. But that didn't stop me from wondering why he covered his face in the first place. 

I looked down at my watch noticing the time, 23:57, he'd be here any minute.


flashback... 1 hour earlier


Hoseok was frantic. He'd just agreed to meet up the the guy he'd been talking to for the last month or two. He was beyong nervous. He'd imagined the interaction between them but he always thought he'd have a little more time to perpare him self than ne hand right now. He was supposed to meaning Yoongi in a little over an hour. 

He didn't know why but he felt like he needed to look nice, he needed the perfect outfit. So much so it resulted in him pulling out almost his entire wardrobe onto the floor, trying on a variety of outfit combinations. He didn't know why he wanted to look good for Yoongi. 

Maybe it was becasue it was the first time they were meeting after months of talking and Hoseok wanted to look good when they met. But in reality Hoseok knew this wasn't the case he just wasn't ready to admit the real reason yet. It was too soon and there were so many loose ends. 

With a deep breath Hoseok finally found the perfect outfit he was ready to go a meet Yoongi his... friend?

Hoseok's outfit except he has light brown hair

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Hoseok's outfit except he has light brown hair. 


Present time...


with every passing second Hoseok's nerves increased, he didn't know why he was so nervous it's not like he didn't know Yoongi he had been talking to him everyday. So why was meeting like this so diffrent? 

Hoseok was wrapped to wrapped in his thoughts to notice the figure that had sat beside him on the bench. It wasn't until he heard a husky voice next to him shakily breath out his name. 


Hoseok whipped his head to the direction the voice had come from, finally seeing the actual person behind the voice he'd been speaking to for so long. Putting a face to a name... well not exactly a face but a person. 

Hoseok could only just make out his eyes from below between the hat and mask he was wearing to cover up his face.  Just from looking at his eyes Hoseok could see the anxiety in Yoongi, he could see the deadness and lack anything remotley positive in his eyes. It made him somewhat sad seeing Yoongi like this. He'd never imagined the guy who would talk to him everyday had these expressionless eyes. 

But between all the negative emotions Hoseok though his eyes were beautiful, they resembled a cats with their angled shape and the way the ligh reflected off them and the dark ebony shade  that stared back at him. It was at that moment Hoseok realised that even if he never got to see Yoongi's face he would be content with just looking at his eyes, those beautiful eyes. They were enough.

It wasn't untill he pulled himself away from Yoongi's eyes he noticed Yoongi's outfit and slender build and the pale milky skin that peaked through a few areas of his outfit.  Yoongi looked to be a little bit shorter than he was, maybe about half a head in diffrence but Yoongi was much slimmer than Hoseok and his skin looked like it had never see the sun in comparison to Hoseok's caramel skin tone.

  Yoongi looked to be a little bit shorter than he was, maybe about half a head in diffrence but Yoongi was much slimmer than Hoseok and his skin looked like it had never see the sun in comparison to Hoseok's caramel skin tone

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minus the bag...

Hoseok cleared his throat before opening his mouth and looking back at Yoongi.


A small chuckle left Yoongi's mouth as he smirked beneath his mask. Hoseok could have sworn he flet his heart rate quicken at the sound. 

"I take it you're as nervous as I am?" Yoongi muttered looking down at his palms. To whcih Hoseok nodded in response. 

"Just a little, it was a bit sudden to be honest."

"Sorry" Yoongi replied sinking into the bench his gaze still focused on his hands that were crossed over his lap. 

"No no! , don't worry about it. It's fine honestly." "But can I ask the reason you decided to meet up with me now after all this time and on such short notice?"

Yoongi looked up from his palms meeting Hoseoks gaze, he didn't know what it was about Hoseok that made him want to spill everything to him. To tell him about the way he was treated by his father about his insecurities everything that bothered him. Hoseok felt reliable and emitted a warm and welcoming aura that screamed trustworthy. 

With a small sigh Yoongi pursed his lips letting words escape his lips. "Would it be to forward if it was because I wanted a hug?..."


Yay! Double Update... we're officailly diving into the good stuff... the bad stuff too but dont worry to much about that *yet*.

Hope you enjoyed. Hopefully the next chapter will be out pretty soon after this one so you don't have to wait to long as I'm kinda a sucker for cliffhangers if you hadn't already noticed. 

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