Chapter Six

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The next day...




The days get quite boring when you're stuck inside all the while, there is only so much time you can spend mindlessly scrolling through your phone. I'd occassionally stumble across a post or a new story about me, it seemed as if the world was just as curious about me and my life as I was curious about the outside world. 

My thumb stopped scrolling when and I sat up starighter against my pilliow when I saw a face I recognised. I don't know what promted such a reaction. I slowly sank back into my pillow my eyes glued to the post on my screen. 

It was the guy I'd bumped into yesturday, onlt this time I could really pay attention to him. I hadn't really looked at him yesturday I was too caught up in my thoughts to notice his appearance. 

He definetley had great fashion sense, his outfit was well put together and it suited him. From the quick encounter I had with him he seemed really genuine, but honestly it was to brief to tell. 

I kept staring at the picture, admiring his dyed light brown hair that was nicely styled, thats something I'd always wanted to do. But whats the point in changing your hair colour when you hide it anyway and well it wouldnt have particually pleased my father if I dyed my hair. 

Sooner or later, I had clicked on his profile and was scrolling through his page. I must look like such a stalker. But there was something about this guy that intreged me. I envied him and how free and content he looked with his life. Even seeing the short videos he posted of him and his friends made my lips turn into a small smirk. For a breif moment it was like I too had friends.

I was quickly thrown from my thoughs by a stern knocking at my door. Quickly locking my phone and sitting up straighter. 

"Come in" I hummed.

A short pause followed before my father entered who was now standing above my bed looking down at me. my throat tensed a little feeling nervous. Why was he here? I hadn'tbroken anymore rules had I? 

I gulped trying to relax a little before my father spoke. "Get dressed, We leave in 10 minutes".

Now left alone in my room again. I sat at the edge of my bed staring at the wall of my bedroom before a large sigh left my lips and I forced myslef uo towards my closet. 

Assuming we were going to one of my fathers 'business' meetings were he would attempt to auction me off to other business mens daughters. Which never ended well might I add. 

I decided to wear a simple pair of black slacks with a white a blue checked buttom up shirt that I tucked in. Straightened my mask, and threw on a black baseball cap over my dishevelled hair and pulled it down covering my face. 

Normally I'd just wear a hoodie or a simple tee but It always ended in my father coming home and shaming me further about my appearance saying he'd never be rid of me if I continued like this. Deciding I didn't really feel up to that today I figured I dress slightly more presentable. Although I already know this wasnt going to go well.

This is the look he went for...

This is the look he went for

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