Chapter Four

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"Sorry I didn't mean to stare," I said while looking at the man in front of me, who refused to meet my gaze. In any other situation, I would have given up already, walking away after I said my apology. But for some unknown reason I wanted him to look at me again, I wanted his attention. To see his eyes once more. 

I rolled my shoulders and stuck out my hand, visible from under his low hanging hat. "I'm Hoseok, Jung Hoseok nice to meet you" left my mouth before I realised what I was even doing. Still, a smile graced my face. 

He must have noticed my hand as his head quickly shot up, eyes locked onto my outstretched arm. I watched as his eyes slowly rose from my hand and up my arm until he finally looked me dead in the face. My smile still beaming and chest-thumping seeing those eyes again.

His eyes were erratic, I felt like he was scanning my face. I don't know if I was seeing things but I could have sworn I saw him smile under that mask. His eyes briefly got narrow and the sides of the mask raised for a few seconds before he again pulled himself from my eye line. 

By this point, I had the biggest grin on my face. 

Then my smile was quickly replaced with a look of surprise. A slightly deep, gritty voice emerged from the man, slightly muffled by the mask he was wearing. 

"Yoongi, Min Yoongi". He said as he lifted his head again his eyes slightly visible between his hat and mask. 

I lowered my still stretched out hand. As I was about to respond I was cut off by an older man who now stood directly behind Yoongi. 

The man who I now recognised, it was Mr Min CEO of Min Corporation. I looked back at Yoongi. He was now visibly tenser, his shoulders were raised slightly and he looked as stiff as a post. His eyes showed fear within them.

The man without a word said grabbed ahold of Yoongi's wrist turning on his heels and tugging him as if to tell him to move. Moving his head to look at me I saw the look of sadness and disappointment in Yoongi's eyes. Before he turned around and slowly walked in the direction of his father. 

I was shocked, Stood directly in place. Yoongi was now out of sight. I couldn't help but feel a slight twang in my chest at the thought. I decided to rule it as just me feeling sorry for him and left it at that. 

Pulling my thoughts back to normal, I walked around to the corner to see Jimin, standing outside the cafe with a small coffee cup in his hands. I made my way towards him ready to start the day of shooting. 




I was sitting in the back of my father's car, he sat directly adjacent to me on the phone with who I assumed was one of his many 'partners'.

I hung my head low, I knew as soon as we got home I was not in for a good time. I wasn't supposed to wander off whenever we were in public and I most definitely wasn't allowed to speak to ANYONE. 

This was the reality of my cruel existence. Forced to a life of solitude. Of course, I knew about all the people who wrote comments about me. People who saw me as a freak, a recluse and a spoiled rich kid. But in reality, I felt like a prisoner. I was a prisoner.

From the moment I was born and handed to my father, I was never loved, I wasn't wanted. I was considered my fathers greatest shame, an embarrassment to our family. I'm forced to be confined to my house, forced to cover my face so in the words of my father "So don't have to look upon you and be reminded of how big of a disappointment you are". 

The only reason I was still here, In his custody, was for his own selfish reasons. I was to be used as a pawn in his game of business. To be married off to some girl for some kind of business deal. That's all I was to him. And marrying me off was his way of removing me from his life without hurting his reputation or his pride. 

All I wanted in life was to be free, I was caged. The world didn't know my face, I didn't even know my face anymore. The mask became my face, my defining feature. I could never remove it not at home, not in public. 


After a short drive sat in a brutal silence we arrived back at the house. I nodded at the staff, unable to speak to them when my father was present. 

As we entered the foyer, I tried to skulk away to my room before my father could pull me back. I really wasn't in the mood for the mental torture and harsh words I knew he had in store for me, 

I was halfway up the steps when I heard it. The stern and hoarse voice of my father.

"Where do you think you're going?"

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