Chapter Eighteen

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So I intended to inclued the full flashback and stuff all into one chapter but it was way too long so I've slpit it into two. Same warning as before! some potetially upsetting conent ahead. Read carefully. 

───Yoongi is now 6───

When Yoongi turned 6 was when things started to turn south. There would be occasions when Yoongi would lower his mask whenever he thought it was safe, breathing under it was difficult and he still wasn't completely used to it.

Yoongi was at home sat on the couch watching tv when his father walked in the room spotting Yoongi with his mask pulled down to his chin. Mr Min's eyes narrowed, and he stormed up towards the boy blocking the tv. Yoongi's eyes went wide before he got the chance to pull up his mask his father had already yanked up it up for him in a harsh manner.

As a 'punishment' Mr Min locked eyes with Yoongi's stuffed toy that was at next to him and pulled it from the 6-year-old grasp tearing it in half in front of him, stuffing covering the floor. Yoongi screamed as tears fell from his eyes reaching out for his favourite toy which was now in pieces on the floor.

With a smirk on his face Mr Min looked down at the child and spoke "Consider this punishment for showing your ugly face to me when I specifically told you not to" before walking out the room.

That was the day Yoongi confined himself to his bedroom, he didn't go downstairs, or walk around the house playing. He had no reason to anymore. The 6-year-old would cry himself to sleep most night hugging a pillow to make up for his missing stuffed animal.

At age 6 Yoongi lost his childhood happiness and spark, he would wallow around in his room all day trying to avoid the man he hated, his father. He feared what other punishments he; d face if he disobeyed so he stayed put. It was much harder to make a mistake if he didn't leave his room in the first place.

───Yoongi is now 13───

Yoongi had grown up a lot since he was 6. He still wore his mask only now he never lowered it, he tried to avoid showering so he wouldn't have to look at himself in the mirror and see his 'stupid face' as he called it.

Yoongi was a reclusive boy only leaving his room when his father would drag him out in public for his 'family' outing claiming he needed to keep up appearances. This is when the media started taking interest in the son of Mr Min CEO of Min corporation. He was a skinny boy who wasn't very tall, and no one had seen his face, the first couple times people just passed it off as if he was sick but as he kept showing up in public wearing a mask and a hat people started to catch on and wondered why this boy never showed his face.

When Yoongi had first been given the mask rule he didn't understand why but now he did. He wasn't a nice sight to look at. He had an ugly face and his father always made sure he knew it. By telling him over and over again how much of a disappointment he was, how he was ashamed he was his son, how the mask prevented people from seeing the face of his biggest shame.

And Yoongi believed it all, he believed he was worthless, he'd never amount to anything. Especially when Yoongi held a secret that he was too afraid to let slip (and still hasn't let slip to this day). He was gay, he figured it out himself a few months ago when he would accompany his father to his work place and would meet all the chairmen and their families. He always found himself staring at the men and sons in the room. He had no interest in the women. He knew he could never tell his father he already thought he was a disappointment so this would just make it worse.

Scandalous |SOPE ffOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora