Chapter 19

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The rest of the day went by fast with all of us spending it at the waterfall. Then, we decided to go out for food after. I'm glad because I am really starting to get hungry.

We all split into two cars as the guys had came in one car. The car fit all of them in but we suggested the idea so they wouldn't be as cramped up. Mingi and Seonghwa had joined us in the car and the others rode in Hongjoong's. I made sure to fasten my seatbelt then we set off.

"Have you guys been to this restaurant that we are going to before or is it your first time too?" I asked looking around at the guys.

"We have been here plenty of times. We used to come at least twice a month at one point." Mingi spoke up.

"It must have great food then." I grinned.

Wooyoung nodded in agreement. "It does!"

Once we arrived, Seonghwa and Mingi scrambled out of the car and ran to the restaurant door.

"I'm guessing that they are starving." I laughed.

"Just a bit!" Wooyoung laughed too as he responded.

The two of us got out of the car to see that the others had ran over too. We caught up to them and went to the table that they had already asked the waiter for.

The waiter took our drinks orders and then walked off but not before sending a wink my way.

"Why are you blushing y/n?" I turned to look at Seonghwa who was next to me on my left side.

"I'm just feeling a little bit warm." I replied, not wanting to admit the real reason that had caused me to turn red. The waiter was extremely good looking to be honest which is why it surprised me when he winked at me. Seonghwa just nodded in response while giving me a 'I don't believe you' look. Luckily, nobody else saw what happened and I could feel my face cooling down.

Everyone talked among each other about plans they had in mind for the weekends. This weekend wasn't even over and yet they were making plans for the next ten weeks by the sound of it.

"Are you going to come to Wooyoung's birthday y/n?" Hongjoong asked, making me break out of my thoughts.

"When is it?"

"Next week!" Wooyoung beamed in excitement.

"Sure! If I'm invited." I looked over to Wooyoung who was on my right side.

"Of course you are invited y/n! Do you really think that you wouldn't be invited?" I grinned and shrugged my shoulders.

The waiter came back with our drinks and started handing them out. As he handed mine to me, he placed a small piece of paper down next to it. He then walked away, going over to serve another table. I reached out to grab the paper but Mingi had already grabbed hold of it and looked, reading it out.

"I think there is something wrong with my phone. Could you ring it to see if it works?

"That made me cringe so much! Everyone uses that." Wooyoung looked disgusted by the pick up line.

"What would you use as a pick up line then?" I wiggled my eyebrows at him.

"It says in the Bible to only think about what's pure and lovely... So I've been thinking about you all day long." Damn, Wooyoung has game. His was definitely better than the waiters but I am not going to tell him that.

"It was alright, I guess." I shrugged and turned away from Wooyoung before seeing his reaction. If I looked at him any longer, he would definitely notice my blush. I took a sip of my drink to cool myself down.

"That was just alright?" Wooyoung asked, obviously shocked with my reaction. I'm guessing girls don't usually react that way when he uses pick up lines but I am not one of them girls.

"Yeah." I replied then I looked around the room. I saw the waiter that was serving our table, at a table full of girls. He then made the same move with a beautiful girl just like he did with me; giving her his number and then winking as he walked away. I knew that it was too good to be true. He just wanted to hook up. I'm definitely not up for hooking up with random people though. I scrunched up the paper that the waiter had given me and placed it back on the table. Mingi had grabbed the paper off the table and stuffed it in his pocket. Why did he want the waiters number?

"Who is up for coming to mine after this?" Jongho asked. Everyone seemed to agree to go to Jongho's house other than me. They all looked over expecting an excuse.

"I have work tomorrow though." I mumbled innocently.

"So does Yeosang but he is still coming."

"You should come. It will be fun and it will just be 9 of us. San and Yeosang are coming too.

I looked around to see all eyes on me. "I guess I could come for a couple of hours." Everybody cheered.

It's been over a month since I last uploaded but I am back now so the chapters will be longer again and I will update more often!

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It's been over a month since I last uploaded but I am back now so the chapters will be longer again and I will update more often!

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