Chapter 17

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Wooyoung had been driving us to the surprise location for about 45 minutes now and I still had no idea where we were going. It seemed like we were in the middle of nowhere because all I could see is grass and trees for miles. Maybe he is going to kill me off after all. I asked Wooyoung many questions, trying to get hints about where we were going but he gave none.

"Are we nearly there?" I pestered Wooyoung.

"Almost!" He replied.

Finally! I have been waiting for an answer like that for ages. All he would say when I asked before was 'no' 'not yet' and 'stop being impatient'.

After another 10 minutes, Wooyoung had parked the car in a random part of the forest that we were now in. I looked around and the area was completely full of trees. There was probably about 3 metres space between each tree.

We got out of the car and I walked beside Wooyoung as he directed the way. I wonder why he chose a forest to go to for a trip. Wooyoung then held my hand, making me flinch a little bit but it felt good.

"Sorry, I just don't want you to fall on the rocks." Wooyoung mumbled.

"What rocks?" I questioned while looking over to him. As I said that, I tripped over and Wooyoung saved me from falling.

"Those rocks!" Wooyoung laughed. I blushed, feeling embarrassed and looked away. I'm so stupid.

Wooyoung had stopped us from walking and made me turn to face him. "Hey! Don't be embarrassed about tripping. I fell on the rocks the first time I came here as well. The only difference was that I ended up with a huge cut on my knee. I wanted to avoid that from happening to you."

"Thanks Wooyoung!" I felt less embarrassed now that he had told me that.

After another 10 minutes of walking hand in hand, I saw the most beautiful sight. I had never seen anything like it before. We were standing at the bottom of a beautiful waterfall.

"Wow!" I gasped.

Wooyoung's PoVI watched y/n as she took in the view

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Wooyoung's PoV
I watched y/n as she took in the view. Her face was a picture in itself.

"It's beautiful!" Y/N's face was bright and she was in shock from the beauty. I couldn't help but stare at y/n as she looked amazed. Y/N looked as beautiful as the view in my opinion but I could never tell her that. She might think that I have feelings for her but I can't have feelings for her and she can't have feelings for me because I will end up ruining our friendship. I do not want to be tied down either. We are just friends that have accidentally made out once.

"San, Yeosang and I found this place one day when we went on a random walk around here. We came here with the others a few times but I have never seen anyone else here before so we kept it our little secret." I spoke up knowing that y/n would ask how I found the place.

"Would they mind that you brought me here?" She asked. I knew that they wouldn't mind. If I even thought that they would be slightly upset that I told y/n about this place, I would have never brought her here.

"Of course not! We are all friends and we all would have came here one day anyway." I walked to the edge of the water and y/n followed. "The weather is perfect for a dip. Let's go in!"

"But you didn't tell me to bring a swimsuit!" She exclaimed.

"It would have ruined the surprise if I told you to bring one. I wanted it to stay a surprise."

"Hmmm, that's true!" She thought out loud. Y/N then began taking her shorts off making me turn away immediately. I knew that y/n wasn't exactly confident with having anyone look at or even touch her body. I obviously found out about the not wanting to show much of her body when we were getting into the hot tub. She would also flinch whenever anyone touched her. I don't know if it was because of her ex boyfriend or whether she just isn't used to having friends that like skin ship but I knew she wasn't really a fan of it. That is why I have never done that with her. Normally with friends, I would always feel like I needed to have physical contact with them even if it is just holding hands or even having my arm around someone's shoulder. When we kissed, she didn't flinch but she initiated that so she knew what was going to happen. We also couldn't help that we woke up cuddling which is why she didn't really react to that. Maybe one day she will be comfortable enough that she won't flinch every time someone touches her but I will not force anything upon her. I knew that she was already feeling a bit more comfortable with me.

I decided to take my top off and left my shorts on as they would probably dry quick in this heat anyway.

"You can turn around Wooyoung." I barely heard y/n as it sounded more like a whisper. I turned around and the oversized top that she had tucked into her shorts before was now long enough to cover her where she wanted.

"Do you want to do something exciting?" I asked with a mischievous look on my face.

"Sure! What is it that you want to do?"

"Follow me!" I started walking up the slope and y/n followed.

We got to the top when y/n realised what we were going to do. "Oh no!" She gasped.

"It isn't that bad and doesn't hurt. I promise!"

"Are you sure?" She asked as she cautiously looked down.

"Certain. I have done it plenty of times and the others have too. Even Seonghwa has jumped multiple times and he is scared of anything." I told her hoping that it would help with her fears.

"Can we hold hands when we jump?" Y/N asked nervously.

"Of course!" I smiled brightly at the fact that she wanted to hold my hand.

"Are you ready?" I asked and y/n nodded.




"JUMP!" We shouted as we ran to the edge then jumped.

"JUMP!" We shouted as we ran to the edge then jumped

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