Chapter 55

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Everyone's classes had finished so we all decided to part ways and go home. Wooyoung had messaged me saying that he would meet me by the entrance.

"Hey beautiful!" Wooyoung pecked my lips.

"Hey Woo!"

"Let's get going! It is starting to get cold." Wooyoung said and began walking. I followed Wooyoung, walking beside him. I began thinking of how to bring up the idea Yeosang had given to me earlier about getting rid of Byeongho. Maybe I can bring it up later or tomorrow!

"Are you alright y/n? You seem quiet." Or maybe not! Wooyoung had stopped by now, looking at me with concern.

"I'm alright!" I smiled trying to convince him but he could see right through me

"Something is definitely on that pretty little mind of yours but if you don't want to talk about it; that is alright too." Wooyoung held my hand and we carried on walking.

"What would you say if Yeosang had given me an idea of how to get rid of Byeongho?" I asked nervously. Wooyoung had stopped again to turn to me.

"I would say it could be a great idea... as long as it doesn't involve you getting back together with him or doing anything with him." Wooyoung squinted his eyes in curiosity.

"It definitely doesn't involve any of those. Even if it did, I wouldn't do it." I frowned at the thought of having this happen.

Wooyoung beamed and pulled me in for a hug. "I know you would never do that princess."

"So Yeosang had the idea of maybe making it known to Byeongho that I have slept with you as he thinks this is why Byeongho is trying to pursue me." I blushed, looking up to Wooyoung who had a blank look on his face. Maybe it wasn't a good idea. Maybe he doesn't want people to know that we are together. Maybe he is embarrassed of me.

"We don't have to do that though. It is..." Wooyoung cut me off. "A great idea! We should at least try it because he might only want to be with you because he thinks it is your first time. What a sleaze bag!"

"What about you not wanting others to know about us?" I asked.

"I like us not being official to the public but if it means that we can get rid of that dickhead; I would do it any day!" Wooyoung then added "it is not because I don't want people to know that I am with you by the way. It is because I don't want people interfering in our relationship. But, if it gets rid of him then it is worth it." I let out a sigh of relief. I don't know why I was so worried.

We had carried on walking again and we had arrived at the car park. Wooyoung's car was in the closest parking space to the college.

"Isn't that the dickhead now?" Wooyoung asked pointing over to what looked like Byeongho

"I think so!" He hadn't seen us yet but was walking our way.

"It is!" Wooyoung said as Byeongho got closer. "Let's start our plan now!" He whispered, leaning towards me making my eyes widen.

"Now?" I whispered in worry.

"Unless you don't want to. It's your choice princess." He said in a hushed tone.

"No! Let's do it now." I said wanting to get Byeongho away from us as soon as possible.

Byeongho was close enough now that he noticed us but he didn't realise that we saw him already. I could see from the corner of my eye that he carried on walking closer to us.

"Action!" Wooyoung whispered and then he suddenly pushed me gently against the side of his car. His hands were either side of my shoulders. My arms automatically wrapped around his neck.

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