Chapter 7

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Y/N's PoV
After finishing my phone call with Byeongho, I walked back over to my brothers.

"Byeongho is coming to meet us." I said as I sat down on the chair.

"That's great! I haven't seen him in so long." Matthew exclaimed.

"Same!" Wonho added.

I looked over to the table that Wooyoung was at and he had gone. I'm guessing that he left with his girlfriend.

"Y/N, are you ok? Aren't you happy to see Byeongho?" Asked Matthew.

"I am happy to see him but I feel tired." I gave them a small smile.

"Oh right. Just meet him for a bit and then come home if you are too tired. You don't want him thinking that you aren't happy to see him." Matthew chuckled.

I sipped my drink and was suddenly hugged from behind. "Hey beautiful!" Byeongho grinned, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey Byeongho!" I cuddled into him. I didn't want them to be suspicious about me being a bit blunt so I had to act excited.

"We will leave you two to chat. See you later and make sure y/n gets home safely Byeongho." Wonho fist bumped Byeongho and the two left. As soon as they were out of the bar, I moved away from Byeongho and I was no longer smiling.

Byeongho looked down at me noticing my facial expression. "What's wrong babe? Why do you seem so upset that I am here?"

I sighed.

"Are you still not over what happened the other day. You needed to be taught a lesson. Plus, I have already apologised to you for doing it."

"Yes you apologised but that doesn't mean that you will not do it again and it doesn't make it any better. Do you have a kink or something? Is that why you slapped me?"

"Eww, no. That's gross. I am just teaching you what is right and wrong y/n." Why is he acting like he is my parent. They teach me what's right and wrong. Are boyfriends supposed to as well?

"Byeongho, I know that we are in a relationship but you can't control everything I do. If I want to go to a party, I should be able to. I know that if I told you that I was going to a party, you would have told me that I cannot go. It isn't like I am going to cheat on you." I put my thoughts out to him.

"I just don't want you to leave me." Byeongho frowned. 'I know that because I already tried to.' I thought to myself.

I looked at my watch and realised the time. It was already 1:00am. "I'm going to head home because I am exhausted and I have college at 9:00am." Byeongho nodded and we said our goodbyes.

Byeongho didn't bother to offer me a lift home even though I knew that he had his car. If he didn't have his car, he would have ordered a beer to drink but he had a soft drink. It bothered me a bit though because he didn't seem to care about my safety. Why did he tell me that he didn't want me to leave him if he isn't bothered about my safety?

I walked out the bar and walked all the way home. The bus was a 45 minute wait so I decided that it would be quicker to walk.

I got to a small alleyway and went through because it was a short cut. I got through just fine. Everyone is always scared to go through an alleyway at night because bad things always happen in movies but I have never witnessed anything dangerous happening.

I got out the alleyway safely and began to walk down the road. I looked behind me after a minute because I could hear footsteps. I started jogging and the persons footsteps got heavier and faster so I ran. Running in heels was a struggle though.

I looked back to see how far away the person chasing me was but I crashed into something, falling straight to the floor.

"Are you ok?"

Oh, it was a person I crashed into, not an object. I looked up and two guys were looking at me concerned. "That guy is chasing after me. Can you pretend that you know me?" I begged.

The blue haired guy bought me into a hug. "Where have you been y/n? We have been waiting for you for ages. You are always late." He made sure that the stranger chasing me heard too.

Wait! He said y/n? He knows me?

"Sorry, I had a busy night?" I looked behind me and the random man was walking away.

"Thank you! How did you know my name though?"

"You work with Yeosang right? And you also go to our college!" The other guys said. I looked at the two again and realised that they did go to my college. It was Yunho and Mingi.

"Oh yeah! Sorry, I didn't recognise you both at first but I remember you now. It's Mingi and Yunho right?"

"Yes it is!" Mingi smiled.

"Are you sure you are alright though? It must be scary to be chased by a stranger." Yunho asked concerned.

"Why are you walking alone at this time of the night anyway? You should always be with someone else so you are safe. I don't even like walking alone and I am a guy." Mingi stressed.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. I was at a family dinner and then my boyfriend came to meet up with me after. After meeting my boyfriend, I walked home." I replied to the two of them.

"Did he not offer to take you home?" Mingi asked.

"No." I mumbled and yawned.

Yunho began to speak again. "We can walk you home! You look exhausted and we all have college in about 6 hours."

"Are you sure? I can walk home on my own. I don't want you two to go out of your way for me."

"Don't worry y/n, we live around this area anyway. And like I said before, It isn't safe on your own." Mingi smiled.

I agreed to let them walk me home. We got to know more about each other on the journey which was cool. Yunho told me about how he wants to become a choreographer in the future. Maybe he can make up a choreography for me one day.

"I do underground rap battles with Hongjoong. You should come and watch us sometime. I think you will enjoy it." That sounds awesome. I wonder if they are decent at it or if they do it more for fun.

"That sounds great! I will definitely come and watch sometime." I grinned over to Mingi.

We arrived at my home after a 10 minute walk and we said our goodbyes. They both pulled me into a hug, said goodbye and then walked off. Why are all these guys I have met recently huggers? They seem to love physical contact. I'm not complaining though because it feels warming and I haven't really had many people be like that with me before.

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