Chapter 57

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Wooyoung's father had shouted to tell us that dinner was ready. We all gathered around the table including his sister who had just got home. San is at Yunho's house as the two wanted to play some games together so San is staying over.

As we ate, Wooyoung's family all began talking about anything in general. They asked Wooyoung and Miyoung about their grades. Miyoung was getting A's and B's in all of her subjects while Wooyoung had B's and C's in all subjects except for History which he told them that he had an E. Wooyoung looked low-spirited about his results.

"Oh honey, you can't be good at everything. Every person has a weakness. Mine was always Art. I tried so hard every time but I could never get it to look good enough but it didn't matter at the end of the day because I didn't have to pursue in art as a career just like you don't have to in history." I looked up shocked at his mother's words. She didn't give him a lecture or a punishment for his grade. Is this what other parents are like. If I got a B or lower for just one subject, my mother would use her hand to slap me across my cheek. This would happen often as I struggled to get A's in all my subjects.

Wooyoung nodded at his mother's words, looking like he felt much better about the grade. I didn't really say much at the table. It was because I was shocked by how Wooyoung's family was so different to mine and I'm not used to all the conversations so I only really spoke up if I was asked a question. Everyone carried on eating while conversing

"Im sorry to be rude but is it alright if I head up to bed now? I am feeling exhausted from the busy day." I asked a few minutes after everyone had finished dinner.

"Of course. You aren't being rude at all y/n. You don't even need to ask. You are welcome to do as you please here." Wooyoung's father answered.

I stood up and got hold of my plate. "Thank you so much for dinner. It was delicious." Wooyoung's father smiled and nodded. I then said goodnight to them all and walked to the kitchen to clean my plate. After cleaning up my plate, I went straight upstairs and did everything I had to do before going to bed.

After I finished, I went to the spare room and lay on the bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I began to sob.

I don't deserve to stay here or even be with Wooyoung. I was so rude leaving everyone downstairs so I could go to bed but I couldn't handle it any longer. I didn't want to let my feelings out infront of them. How could they be so kind to someone like me. I didn't even offer to help clean up after they were kind enough to make a dinner for me. I barely spoke to them throughout the whole meal. They must hate me.

I hushed my sobs as I could hear people coming up the stairs. I didn't want anyone to hear me.

A few minutes later Wooyoung burst through the door. I wiped my eyes before he could see the tears. "You worried me for a moment. I thought you had gone when I didn't see you in my r..." Wooyoung paused as he came closer.

"Baby, what's wrong?" He asked full of concern.

I wiped my eyes again. "Nothing, I'm just tired." I yawned with little energy left.

Wooyoung sat beside me on the side of the bed with his legs handing off the side. "Don't lie to me y/n. I can see your puffy eyes." He didn't have a single ounce of annoyance or aggression in his voice. It was just full of concern.

"It's nothing. I am just being dramatic. I promise that I am alright." Wooyoung didn't seem to be convinced but he also didn't ask about it anymore.

"Are you... sleeping in here?" He asked hesitantly. I nodded, giving him the best fake smile that I could.

"Don't worry Woo. I just feel like sleeping in here tonight." Wooyoung said a small 'ok' and kissed my forehead before leaving.

After the door shut, I heard his footsteps getting quieter, sensing that he had left. I then felt tears escaping again before I could try to stop them.

I was unable to sleep for the whole night, worrying that they could ask me to leave any day from now.

Wooyoung's POV:
Is it because of what I said earlier? Is y/n scared because I said that I will punish her? She seemed into it when we spoke about it but maybe she isn't actually into it. Did I ruin our relationship? Am I as bad as Byeongho? It has to be that. That is the only reason I can think of that she would stop sleeping in my room. Nothing else has happened that would affect our relationship.

I lay in bed trying to think of anything else that I could have done to hurt her or make her sad but there was nothing. Maybe I did something that I didn't realise would hurt her feelings.

Whatever it was that I did, I was questioning myself the whole night and barely got any sleep.


4 days later:
It had been 4 days and y/n had barely spoken to me. The only time she would talk was if she had been asked anything at the dinner table and to say good morning to all of us at breakfast time. I became really concerned about it. Y/N wasn't even talking to San which confused me as he hadn't done anything wrong from what I knew. I even ended up asking him if he had said or done anything. San felt a bit offended that I had asked him that but soon understood when he realised how y/n was acting. The two of us couldn't figure it out but today we came up with an idea of San talking to her to see if he could get any hints from why she was isolating herself from us.

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