Chapter 48

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When we got back to Wooyoung's home, we decided to watch a movie. Wooyoung had decided on 'The Greatest Showman' which we all loved it.

"Do you want to stay over tonight?" Wooyoung asked San before the movie started.

"That would be great if that's alright with you." San looked grateful.

"Of course it is. You are always welcome." Wooyoung spoke.

San turned to me; his face showing his nervousness. "Is it alright with you y/n?" I can't believe he was asking me if it was alright for him to stay. Of course I would tell him that he can stay.

"Of course it is San. You don't even need to ask me. It isn't my house and even if it was, I would still let you stay over." I spoke up.

San sighed in relief. "I just wanted to make sure."

Wooyoung pressed play and the movie began. The three of us had all cuddled up together underneath a huge blanket: me being on the left, Wooyoung in the middle and San on the right.

As we were about 45 minutes into the film, I noticed that San had fell asleep so I nudged Wooyoung and pointed over to San. "He looks so angelic when he sleeps." I cooed.

Wooyoung nodded in agreement. "He does!"

We turned back towards the screen and carried on watching the film.

Throughout the film, San flinched in his sleep quite a lot. I didn't think anything of it until he began talking in his sleep.

"No. Please stop!" San mumbled in his sleep. San kept flinching.

Wooyoung turned to me and I whispered "I think we should wake him up." Wooyoung agreed.

I stood up and went to sit beside San.

I hesitated a little before. "San, wake up." I spoke calmly. He didn't wake up.

San began talking in his sleep again.

"Please... no... stop please." San pleaded in his sleep.

I then shook San a little and tried again. "San!" I said a little bit louder. This time, he shot up with his eyes wide open and was breathing heavily.

"What happened?" San asked.

"I think you were having a nightmare." Wooyoung told him.

"Oh, I don't know what it was about." San said blankly.

I didn't believe what San said but I let it go as I didn't want to stress him out anymore. By now, the film had finished and the cast list was rolling down the screen.

"Is it alright if I go to bed? I'm feeling quite tired after last night and today." San asked.

"Sure! You can stay in the spare room if you want! All the bedding is fresh anyway as y/n has been sharing with me."

"TMI." San laughed and carried on. "Thanks though. I appreciate you letting me stay."

"I didn't mean it like that. I meant that we were literally sleeping and doing nothing else." Wooyoung screeched. It wasn't the whole truth but we did just sleep most of the time.

"I don't believe that one bit but alright." San grinned.

"Goodnight!" San gave the two of us a hug and went to the spare room.

"Night!" We shouted back to him as he walked up the stairs.

"Shall we go to bed too?" Wooyoung asked. I nodded and we went to get ready for bed.

Wooyoung went to the bathroom to freshen up while I got my pyjamas on. Just as I finished, San walked in and then gasped in shock. "I'm so sorrry. I'm so used to coming in here whenever that I forgot that you could be getting changed."

"Don't worry San. It's fine. You didn't see anything but if you were 5 seconds earlier you would have." I mumbled the last part, slightly embarrassed by that fact.

"I just wanted to borrow some of Wooyoung's spare sweatpants and a top to sleep in." San trailed off.

"Go ahead! I'm sure he won't mind. You are best friends after all." I replied.

San got them and went towards the door. "Thanks y/n and sorry about barging in." I told San not to worry about it and then we both said out good nights again.

Wooyoung came back into his room so I went to the bathroom next to freshen up.

I began by brushing my teeth and then washing my face; making sure I get any makeup off. I then did my skincare routine, making sure to use my toner, serum, essence and moisturiser.

I then went back into Wooyoung's room to find him trying to stay awake while lying on top of his covers. I went over to the bed and got in. "Get some rest baby." I mumbled after giving him a short kiss on his forehead.

Wooyoung lifted the covers up and got into bed. "Goodnight princess." Wooyoung wrapped his arms around me and fell asleep straight away. Soon, I felt my eyes dropping and fell into a peaceful sleep.

It was still dark when I woke up

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It was still dark when I woke up. I looked at the time on my phone and it was 2:18am. I suddenly felt thirsty so I decided to go and get a drink. I carefully unwrapped myself from Wooyoung to avoid waking him up and succeeded. I then opened his door and tiptoed down the hallway.

As I went past the spare room, I could hear San. It sounded like he was having another nightmare. The door was slightly open and the same muffled words were coming out like earlier. He got louder and louder, but he wasn't loud enough to wake Wooyoung up. I decided to go and try to calm him down.

I sat on the side of the bed and began stroking his arm. "It's alright San. I am here. You are just having a nightmare. Nobody is going to hurt you. I am here." I kept repeating these words in a hushed, calming tone.

San was still stuck in his nightmare. "Please don't hurt me." He cried in his sleep.

San suddenly jumped up in fear; gasping for air. He looked over to me. "y/n?" He asked.

"It's alright San. I'm here." He pulled me into his embrace and he began sobbing. I had never seen this side of San before. He was always the one that helped others through any problems they had.

The two of us sat in this same position for about 15 minutes before San had calmed down and decided to speak up. I didn't want to pester him with questions so I just waited for him to calm down and decide whether he wanted to tell me.

 I didn't want to pester him with questions so I just waited for him to calm down and decide whether he wanted to tell me

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