Chapter 32

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"I'm in love ooow ooow"

"He followed you? What is wrong with that guy? You have told him how you feel yet he is still pestering you all the time. I will give him a piece of my mind if I ever see him again." Wooyoung spurted out.

"That is the reason why I ended up running into the traffic. I was scared of him catching up with me. I'm sorry.  I know I should have looked where I was going but I was worried." I sighed and looked down to my feet, trying to not let any tears escape.

"Oh y/n." Wooyoung brought me back into his embrace. I missed his hugs. "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry that I ignored you when you needed a friend. Does anyone else know?"

"NO!" I blurted. "Please don't tell any of the others. I don't want them worrying and if it gets back to Wonho or Matthew, they will kill me for not telling them."

"Don't worry, I will not tell them if you don't want them to know. Does your mum or dad know about it?"

"They know about my leg but they wouldn't care about how it happened anyway. If I told them the truth, they wouldn't care because they like Byeongho too much to care about me."

Wooyoung brought his hand up to my face making me slightly flinch away. I don't think he noticed as he wiped a tear that fell without reacting. Thank goodness for that.

Wooyoung then saw the sofa in the room ushered me to go and sit on it with him. "There is no point in going to class now as we are already late so let's just hang here for a while." He grinned and I nodded, agreeing. This guy will do anything to get out of going to class.

The two of us sat down and stayed quiet for a good few minutes. It wasn't an awkward quiet though. Wooyoung shuffled closer to me, pulling me into his side with his arm around my shoulder. My heart rate began to speed up and I got butterflies in my stomach. I hate the way he makes me feel but I also like it at the same time.

My eyes started to feel heavy and I fought, trying to keep them open but sleep overcame me.

No one's PoV
Wooyoung looked over to y/n after a few minutes, and realised that she had fell asleep. He moved her head onto his lap to make her more comfortable. 'She must have had a rough night sleep last night' he thought to himself.

Wooyoung could tell that something else was wrong with y/n today but he didn't want to pester her into getting an answer out of her so he just comforted her. It hurt him, the fact that she flinched when he went to wipe her tear. 'Is she scared of me?' 'Did Byeongho hurt her?' These were the questions that were going through his head but he didn't want to ask anymore questions. He just wanted y/n to be happy.

The door opened making Wooyoung jump slightly but it was just Yunho.

"Is everything alright?" Yunho asked in a hushed tone. Wooyoung nodded and lifted y/n's head slightly so he could get up and then he placed her head on top of a cushion. They both walked over to the other side of the room so she couldn't hear them even if she woke up.

"She just seems physically and mentally exhausted. I am worried about her. I feel bad for ignoring and avoiding her when she was going through so much." Wooyoung sighed.

"I need to ask you something." Yunho whispered sounding concerned. He looked over to y/n to make sure she was still asleep.

Wooyoung looked at him ushering him to carry on. "Has y/n ever told you anything personal about any family issues? I know that you shouldn't be telling me if she has as she would trust you to keep it to yourself but I am really worried about her."

Wooyoung looked to Yunho confused. He knew that she didn't get on with her parents but that was all he knew.

"She doesn't get on with her parents. I found her one day in the freezing cold because she had ran away after an argument and didn't know where she was. She passed out as soon as I got to her. That is the only thing she has told me though. She always seems so happy and positive usually when she is around us that I haven't even thought of it until today."

"I saw something happen." Yunho paused. "It was her mum. She dragged her into the kitchen even with her injured leg. They didn't know that I was still awake and I followed them, peeping through the door. Her mum asked why she was 'whoring around' because all of the guys and I went to her house. Her mum then said about her marrying Byeongho and Y/N answered her mum but her mum slapped her around the face. It wasn't a light slap either. It was hard. I'm surprised she didn't cry to be honest because I think I would have. It looked so painful. She didn't know that I was there at that point. I tried to ask her about it but she cut me off saying that the guys and I should leave. I'm really worried about her."

"Y/N flinched when I went to wipe her tears earlier. I didn't think her mum would be the cause of it though. I can't believe she would even say and do that to her daughter. You are supposed to love your child, not hurt them. She is literally forcing her to be with an abusive person. What kind of mother does that?"

"No mother should do that but we need to either get her out of that house or tell someone who can help." Yunho whispered.

"Maybe her brothers. I wonder if they know. Surely they wouldn't let their mum hurt y/n. I have seen how protective they are over her. Or she could stay over at mine for a while if she needs to but I don't think she will." Wooyoung spoke up.

"What makes you think that y/n will say no? She has stayed at yours before." Yunho asked.

"She felt as if she was overstaying her welcome. I told her that she could stay for as long as she needed but she left after a couple of days." Yunho nodded understanding.

"We should probably speak to her brothers about it." Yunho said.


Thank you for being patient and waiting for the update!

Thank you for being patient and waiting for the update!

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This is Gwangalli beach in Busan!

I miss Korea so much! There is so much that I wanted to do while I was there but I didn't get the time to :(
I will definitely be going again but for longer next time!

If you have any questions about Korea, please feel free to ask and I will answer as well as I can ^ㅂ^

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