Chapter 47

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I began to explain what happened. From me opening the door, to Byeongho asking to talk, to him then getting more annoyed, to my breakdown. I mentioned about my hand too. "I didn't even realise what I had done until Wooyoung saw it. I don't know why I did it. It was like I had no control over what I was doing."

Wooyoung had his arm around my shoulder and was rubbing up and down my arm to soothe me. "I just don't get why he still wants to see me. He hurt me so much and he still has the cheek to come back to talk. Why can't he just leave me to get on with my life?"

"If he ever comes near you again, you need to let one of us know. At school, I think you should always make sure that there are people around wherever you go. Even if it is people you don't know in the hallways, just make sure there is somebody because then he will less likely come up to you.

"Maybe you should talk to someone professional about it. Not just about Byeongho but maybe the situation that you are in with our parents. They might be able to help as well and give different ideas than us. Obviously we can help but there is only..." I cut Wonho off.

"I DO NOT NEED HELP FROM A STRANGER!" I screeched, afraid of what would happen if I went to a therapist or someone like that. What if they think that I am not ok mentally and they send me away? I then realised that the way I reacted probably wasn't the best way for me to say it. I looked up to see everyone in shock.

"I-I'm sorry. I don't know why I reacted like that." I paused.

"I just don't need help from a professional." I mumbled.

"But y/n. They ca..." I cut Matthew off this time.

"Please just stop. I don't want help from them. It will probably be a waste of money anyway." Wooyoung pulled me tighter into his embrace.

"Just have a think about it y/n. You don't have to if you really don't want to but I just think it would be a good idea." Wonho finished. I nodded.

That didn't mean I was going to think about it though. I know I am not alright at the moment but the professionals will not be able to change anything. Unless they could get rid of Byeongho and my parents but that isn't very likely.

Plus, it isn't like I majorly hurt myself with the intent to cause harm to myself.

"Can we go back to your house Wooyoung?" I asked Wooyoung.

"Sure princess!" He pecked my cheek.

I looked over to my brothers thinking that they would be disgusted with our slight pda but it was quite the opposite. They looked happy.

"I'm so glad you have someone like Wooyoung to care of you." Wonho beamed. Matthew nodded in agreement and San looked just as happy.

"Im glad that I do as well." I don't know what I would do if Wooyoung still wasn't talking to me to be honest.

San, Matthew and Wonho left the room to say bye but I nudged Wooyoung. "Can I talk to you for a minute?" Wooyoung nodded. I told the guys that Wooyoung and I are just getting some things from my room which also wasn't a lie as I needed a few extra things like my makeup, some other clothes etc.

As we got to my room, I shut the door.

"Are you alright princess?" Wooyoung asked.

"Do you think I need a therapist?" I mumbled.

"I think you should do what you think is right. At the moment, I don't think you need one desperately but I think it would be a good thing to consider in case anything starts to get worse. They aren't there to judge you or anything. They are just a bit of extra support but you should do what you think is best for you."

I took in every word that Wooyoung said.

"So it would be ok if I wait a few weeks before deciding for definite?" I questioned.

"Of course y/n. It isn't like you desperately need a therapist but I just think it may help a little bit." I nodded.

I found the few things that I needed to take with me and put them in a bag. I then thought, 'what if Wooyoung wants me to stay at home while my parents are away?'

"Is it still alright that I am staying over at your place? I can stay at my house if you and your parents want me to."

Wooyoung shook his head. "Don't be silly. My parents and I have always said that you can stay for as long as you want to. It's not like you are a handful." Wooyoung laughed at his last sentence.

"Thank you Woo. I really am grateful for everything you have done for me." I gave him a quick kiss on the lips and then decided that we should get going.

We both went and said our goodbyes to my brothers. "Make sure you take good care of her Wooyoung. She can be a bit of a handful sometimes and I will definitely understand if you want to send her back here." Matthew teased making me give him a punch on his arm.

"You know I am not that bad." I rolled my eyes.

"If you need anything, just let us know and we can help." Wonho said as I gave him a hug.

I pulled away from Wonho and he began talking to San. "It was great to meet you San. I hope to see you again soon!"

San then replied. "Thank you for welcoming me into your home. I hope I didn't intrude too much."

"You definitely didn't San! You are welcome anytime. With or without y/n." Matthew spoke up making me roll my eyes again.

"If you roll your eyes anymore, they might fall out." Wooyoung teased.

"You are supposed to be on my side; not theirs." I pouted. "Anyway, let's get going." I added.

We said our last goodbyes and went to the car.

I was supposed to post this on the 19th but we all ended up finding out some heartbreaking news and I didn't feel like it was right to post it when many of us were upset

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I was supposed to post this on the 19th but we all ended up finding out some heartbreaking news and I didn't feel like it was right to post it when many of us were upset. :'(

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