Chapter 6

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Matthew, Wonho and I walked into the restaurant and over to the waiter at the main desk to tell them our reservation name.

"Right this way!" The waiter ushered us to follow him. As we walked further into the restaurant, I could see my parents already sat down at a table.

As we approached the table my mum ran over to Matthew and embraced him in a hug. "Happy birthday honey! Have you had a good day? Have you celebrated with your friends?" My mother questions.

"Thank you mum! I have had a great day. I went for breakfast with Wonho then spent the rest of the day with my friends. My friends and I hung out at Jackson's house. Nothing too over the top." Matthew answered.

"I'm glad you have enjoyed your day."

"Happy birthday son!" My father gave Matthew a handshake.

"Thanks dad!"

We all sat down at the table and waited for a waiter/waitress.

"How have you been Wonho? Have you been overworking still? You need to have a break from time to time." My mother worried.

"I have been fine mum. I have recently had a week off work to relax anyway. I went to places I hadn't visited before around the country." Wonho explained. Liar! He didn't have a week off at all. He loves his job way too much.

"What about you y/n? How have you been? Have you been studying hard?" My father asked.

"I'm fine! I have been studying very hard. I spend most of my time studying when I am not at college." I may have lied too.

"What are you spending the rest of your time doing if you aren't studying? You need to work hard so you can become a surgeon." My mother spoke up.

"I'm sleeping! I need rest too you know. Plus, I don't even want to be a surgeon." I murmured the last sentence.

"What did you say? You don't want to be a surgeon?" My mother barked. Maybe I said it a little too loud.

"Excuse me, are you ready to order your food and drinks?" The waitress asked.

"Could I have a Long Island iced tea and a cheese burger with sweet potato fries please?" I asked sweetly.

"Of course you can." The waitress replied.

"A burger?" My mother looked disgusted.

I nodded and Looked away, letting everyone else order.

My mother looked back over to me after the waitress had gone.

"What do you want to be then?" She hissed.

"You know that I don't want to be a surgeon. I want to be a ..." I get cut off.

"Don't even finish that sentence if you are going to say a professional dancer." She fumed. I looked over to my father who was watching this conflict. I knew he thought the same as my mother but he never has a go at me like she does.

"Also, out of all of the beautiful foods you could have ordered, you ordered a burger. Why?"

"Mum, leave y/n alone. She can eat what she wants. It doesn't matter if we came to an expensive restaurant and she ordered a burger. It is what y/n enjoys. Would you rather her get a posh meal and not touch any of it?" Matthew defended.

"Let's talk about something else! How was working in China?" Thank you Wonho for changing the subject.

"It was lovely. We didn't actually spend much of our time working. It was more of a holiday than work as they didn't really need us that often." My father smiled as he went into more and more detail of where they visited. What hypocrites though! They tell me that I should be spending all of my time studying when they barely even work.

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