Chapter 18

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Y/N's PoV

I came up from the water and let out the breath that I was holding as I swam to the side. I reached the side and saw Wooyoung swimming behind closely.

"THAT WAS AMAZING!" I exclaimed as Wooyoung was next to me. I got myself out of the water and let my legs hang in the water as I sat at the side. Wooyoung sat beside me and we began chatting. Well, it was more like Wooyoung talking as I began overthinking and Wooyoung realised which ended up with me putting my thoughts out to him.

"What's the matter? You look like you are overthinking."

"What can I do to stop my parents from wanting Byeongho as my husband?" I sighed

"Is there no way that they will change their mind if you tell them that you don't want to marry him?"

"No. They think he is good for me and he is well off so my parents just see that him having money is a good enough reason for marriage."

"What if you pretend to date someone else?"

"Who though?" I thought for a second. "Would you?"

"It can't be me y/n. You know that I don't date and that includes fake dating." I feel like Wooyoung is a great friend but the fact that he is giving excuses he can think of for him not to help makes me feel awful. Maybe he doesn't even find me attractive enough to fake date me which makes me feel like nobody will want to. Am I not attractive at all?

I let out a small "ok."

"You could ask one of the guys though."

Wooyoung then thought and spoke up again. "What about Yunho? He is super rich so your parents will definitely like him and he would be able to answer all of the questions that your parents ask because he is insanely intelligent."

"I guess I could but what if he doesn't want anything to do with it?" I frowned.

"Asking won't hurt though and if he says no, you could just ask one of the others." I nodded.

Suddenly, Wooyoung jumped into the water again. He put his hand out infront of me and I took his hand, pulling me in with him. Wooyoung then splashed me which ended in us having a water fight. The area was filled with our laughs and but I'm sure that nobody would hear us as it was so secluded.

Wooyoung was constantly attacking me with water and I struggled to catch my breath. I turned around and said "Wooyoung, stop! It hurts" in a panicked voice.

He stopped and worried. "what's wrong y/n?"

I turned around and told him "there's something in my eye." I held my eye in 'pain'.

"Let me have a look." Wooyoung seemed concerned. As I let him look into my eye, I started splashing water at him again non stop making him jump back in shock. He turned away from me and then I jumped on his back, trying to pull him over.

"What are you two doing here?" I heard a voice ask. We both turned around and saw Jongho, Hongjoong, Seonghwa, Mingi and Yunho standing at the side of the water.

"We came for a day out! What about you guys?" Wooyoung asked as I got off him. He then got out of the water and went up to greet them. I followed behind closely, pulling at my top so it would cover me.

"Same! We did message you but you didn't reply so we assumed that you were busy. Looks like you two were enjoying yourselves though." Mingi winked suggestively.

"We were just having some fun together." Wooyoung spoke up.

"I bet you have been." Jongho smirked earning a slap on the back of his head from Hongjoong.

"Let's go in the water anyway!" Seonghwa exclaimed taking his top off and jumping in. The others followed along shortly. I decided to sit by the water again, dipping my feet in and watching them enjoy themselves.

I thought back to what Wooyoung had said about asking Yunho to fake date me. How do I even ask Yunho a question like that. It would be much easier if Wooyoung could have just said yes to me.

I was knocked out of my thoughts when Yunho swam over to me.

"Are you going to come in or are you just going to carry on overthinking?" Yunho asked.

I shrugged.

"What's the matter y/n?"

"My parents want to marry me off to my ex boyfriend when we didn't even end on good terms. They think he is good for me but they didn't see the real him and I can't stop worrying about it." I let out.

"You could try and keep persuading them with words or you could fake date someone! Why don't you ask one of the guys? I'm sure Wooyoung would help you out." Yunho spoke up.

"He said he can't because he doesn't date or fake date." I frowned.

"Thats surprising that he refused to help you. If you want, I could do it if that would help you." Yunho let out making my eyes grow wide in surprise.

"Really? You would help me?" I gasped.

"Of course. I know what over the top parents can be like. Mine are the same so if we 'date' for a while, they might get off our backs."

"Thank you so much Yunho." I brought him into a tight hug shocking myself for being so bold. As I looked up and let go, I saw Wooyoung frowning while looking over. As Wooyoung noticed that I was looking back at him, he looked away and carried on talking to Seonghwa.

Sorry for the 2 week late update! I will try and update as soon as I can

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Sorry for the 2 week late update! I will try and update as soon as I can. Also, as of June 16th, I will have more time to update so I will be updating a lot more often!

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