21. On the run.

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“ Are you sure?. He's the Man in Black.” I asked squinting my eyes looking at Duncan who was leaning against his car, using his phone.

“ Yeah, I am sure. You know my friend Ulrich ”.

“ whose that again? ” I asked trying to recollect.

“ the tall German guy, really handsome, a neurosurgeon. Smells really good, amazing hair ” he said describing him.

“ I don't remember him, but I do think you have a crush on him,” I said laughing.

“ Oh shut up and concentrate I invited him for your birthday. Oh come on the guy who farts a lot ” he said giving up.

“ oh, sir farts a lot you should have told me that first I would have easily remembered,” I said realization hitting me.

“ yeah, I was Googling Duncan the other day and that is when he saw his picture and said isn't he that mafia guy like everyone is scared of. I was like how do you know and he was like last month I  was treating this person and during one of our sessions, he told me that he was beaten up by him and his men.  ”

“ shit what should I do, umm should I ... I don't know, say something,” I said yelling.

“ ci first of all relax and breathe in and out along with me,” he said panicking breathing in and out.

“ Damon listen calm down, nothing is going to happen you can do it. Ok. I have to go he will grow suspicious and we can't let that happen and I'll call you ok relax no panicking ok ” I said calming him down as I cut the call.

“Come on Alicia you can do it if you wish you could conquer the world. You just have to live with the man who the world fears not a big deal. ” I said giving myself a small pep talk. I walked towards him, he stood up watching me coming with a smile. He's probably being nice to me because later he's going to kill me. Oh, Jesus please help me. I mentally prayed sliding into the car as he opened the door for me. I sat pressing myself against the door holding the handle tight you know in case he tries to do anything I would jump off. It would be better to hear in the news that young beautiful entrepreneur Alicia white passed away in the USA falling from a car than being like she was murdered by the Man in Black. I know the latter sounds better but the mind wants what it wants.

Duncan kept staring at me once in a while trying to figure out what's wrong with me, I looked at him giving him a wide-toothed smile trying to be completely normal, probably looking like a creep.

We reached home and I immediately got out, before he could come and help me to get out. I walk inside. As he stood back trying to figure out what just happened. I felt bad but then my mind kept telling me he wouldn't feel bad while killing you that made me run-up to my room like Usain bolt locking it behind me. I sat on my bed catching my breath, I wiped away the sweat on my forehead with the help of the hem of my shirt. That was one hell of a run you know I should have been in the Olympics I would have definitely made my country proved.

I got out of my reverie as I heard a knock on my door.

“ baby girl!” Duncan said with a concerned tone.

“ yeah,” I said slowly.

“ are you alright ?”

“ hmm yeah, just a little tired,” I said standing up from my bed. Trying to search for something that could protect me in case he barged in. I found a pen in my purse I opened the cap standing in an attacking position with the tip of the pen pointing towards the door.

“ do you need anything? ”

“ no-no,” I said fake yawning. So he would leave thinking I am really tired.

“ good night,” he said walking away just like I thought.

“ feww ” I breathed a sigh of relief. Going into the washroom to take a quick shower. I came back out, towel drying my hair. Changing into my comfy PJs. I sat on the carpeted floor along with a book and pen. I started writing all the reasons why he got married to me.

- because he likes me
- because I am pretty and he wants me like for using purposes like to satisfy his needs.
- he wants to hurt my family by hurting me.
- he hates me.
- he wants my company.

I strike off the first sentence because come on you know I am not a very likable person. I strike off the second one as well because he would have done it by now he had plenty of chances so no. Third one if he's thinking of it then it's of no use because no one really cares about me.  The fourth one maybe but why would he want to marry someone he loathes that is such a stupid idea, it's a waste of money, time, energy, and definitely patience. Lastly, he wants my company, out of all the crappy points I wrote this made a lot of sense like you know if he kills me my company would be transferred in my husband's name. I gasped in shock understanding his evil plan.

“ wow, this is what a man with a plan looks like,” I said slow clapping.

I took my phone changing my speed dial numbers from the pizza place, ice cream parlor, Jamie's doughnut to the hospital, police station and I let the ice cream parlor be don't judge me I would like to die with an ice cream in my hand that's like my last wish.

I texted Damon that I am alright and that I am going to sleep and he also should be hitting the bed. I set my alarm to five-thirty in the morning. The first rule to be alive, don't be around him. Be far away from him. It won't save you but probably buy you some time.

I woke up grunting in annoyance realizing I am on the run. I took a shower wearing my stretchy pants a pink oversized hoodie, I brushed my hair putting it into a ponytail covering it with a plain black cap. I applied some lip balm. I checked the clock it was six-fifteen Duncan would be awake in fifteen minutes I had to rush without making any noise. I slowly opened the door tiptoeing I walked down the stairs. Grabbing a couple of bottles of water, and some chocolates popping one in my mouth I walked towards the door that is when I heard Duncan's bedroom door squeak open, on cue I ran out quickly, sitting in the car I raced for a couple of minutes stopping near a sidewalk. Thank God they got my car repaired yesterday and left it at home or I would probably be dead meat by now.

“ God bless good drivers,” I said catching my breath closing my eyes.

I heard a couple of knocks on my window making me scream and jump up in my seat.

“ Alicia! What are you doing here this early?”.


Hola amigos!
As this book has completed twenty chapters and seeing that many people are reading it. I wanted to know my audience. So let's have a small Q&A session.

- so comment which country you guys belong to.

- favorite characters till now.

- what do you guys think about Duncan and Alicia.

- comments about this book.

- any questions you ll would like to ask me.


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